Is he really that Soft?

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I follow him to his truck and we ride up to the hospital. Who would have thought that there is another mc president that is a softie like Richard. Ink grabs my hand and passes the reception desk winking at the girl with pink hair behind it. I laugh. Even hand and hand with another girl he can make girls blush. We hit the elevator and he hits level 4. We sit in silence as it goes up. Finally the door opens and he pushes me forward as the doors close behind me with him still in there. What the hell.
I walk forward not sure where to go as I hear someone singing. Finally I found the singing person. It's Blade. His back to the door rocking a baby as he's singing so softly. A nurse scares me giggling.
"He's such a great singer isn't he? And he's just great with kids. So dreamy." She states.
"Oh you like him?" I question. Wanna make sure not to step on someone's toes.
"No no. He's made it very clear he likes someone and it's none of our nurses. He's just our dream tool lol. The kids love him visiting." She states.
"Oh. How often is he here?" I ask curiously
"3 times a week 3 weeks outta the month. He says it's gonna be cut back to 2 a week but every week from now on." She says quietly
"Oh wow." I say maybe a little loud because he turns around. Shocked to see me as the nurse runs away.

"What are you doing here?" He states still shocked.
"Ink brought me here..." I say quietly
"Where is he? I'd like to kill him now." Blade states.
"He might have ditched me here." I speak wondering if even a mouse could hear me. Blade smiles.
"Come on. I'll take you back to Ink's." Blade
"Thank you. Do you stay at the clubhouse?"
"Um yes. Til I marry then I'll build a house to our liking." Blade.
"Ah no wonder you hide at Inks." I state as we pull up to Inks. Everyone is still there plus a car I haven't see around.
"Come on. Let's get you to meet your new fiancé." Blade says sarcastically.
"I haven't said I was going to marry him. I'm gonna do what I want in the end. I just said there was no harm in meeting him."
"Sure." Blade said as we were walking in.

I stopped in my tracks. There was a spitting image of a younger Blade. Ink looked just like his mother. You would never know these two and him are brothers. But there's no mistaking these two as brothers. Probably a spitting image of their father. He had muscles you could tell in the shirt but not as well defined as Blades. And let me tell you muscles turn me on. Everything is cute on him but everything is better and hotter on Blade. I smile at everyone.
"Hello. Thank you Ink." I make it appoint to call out him sense he left me at the hospital.
"No problem. I knew you had a ride home anyway." He smirks.
"Are you getting to know my future girl, Blade?" Craig.
"Oh this is Craig, Kat." Mrs. Safeho states.
"Hello Craig. It's nice to meet you but I told ma'am that I would meet you it's still my decision in the end."
"I'm sorry I just like to mess with my brother. Forgive me. Everything is your decision hunny. I'm just here to make sure you get what you want." Craig.
"Awww." Mrs. Safeho
"Thank you Craig that was sweet."
"Sweet my ass. Kiss up maybe." Blade mumbles. Just so I can hear and as everyone turns back to watch TV, I smack Blake.

We visited most the night, and Craig decided he would spend the night and then leave in the morning. Tyler and Richard are staying 2 days for me to make my decision either marry someone who can protect and provide or go back with them.

I head to Inks room for bed and both Blake and Craig look at me suspiciously.
"Your going to the wrong room." Craig says as Blake states, "That's Inks room."
"Yes. I know." I state as I walk in and shut the door. I laugh as I hear Craig tell Blade night but I only hear one footsteps walk away. Finally I hear noise.
"Your sleeping with her?!" I know that voice. It's Blade.
"Calm down. No I'm not sleeping with her. She has a hard time sleeping alone so she sleeps in my bed and I sleep on the couch." Ink states.
"How can I be sure your not using her like the other girls you screw." Blade ouch. You think I'm a slut?!
"That reason is for her to tell you. But trust me I'm not touching her. Calm your jealousy. She hasn't chosen you or anyone yet." Ink. Blades jealous? Really?
Ink walks in and flips on the light.
"Your little jealous boy is out there." Ink
"He's not a boy." I state
"That's it? Your not gonna say I'm not his he can't be jealous or mad about jealousy." Ink
"Sorry I don't know what I'm supposed to say."
"Yeah because you like him jealous that your in here with me. You like to know he cares." Ink
"I can't fight you there." I state shyly.
Ink laughs and gives me a hug. He goes to the bathroom to get ready for bed and comes out in his boxers and heads to the couch. I don't see Ink as a attractive guy. I mean he is gorgeous but he's more like a brother. Craig is sweet but I feel he lays it on way to thick. Then there is Blade. He is Blade. He's jealous and collected. He's mean but so sweet. He's a rock but he's a teddy bear. He's hot and cold. I don't know what to do.

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