Telling the Men

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Blades point of view

I woke up that morning and called church for all of the men making sure everyone uses the garage instead of going into the house. I don't wanna scare the new girls.

I stare at Rose sleeping quietly. She must have been tired. Rose didn't even wake up when Salina was screaming. I went and calmed her down, but I don't think she went back to sleep after i woke her from her dream. Pretty sure I heard the tv all night after that.

I walk out in my black button down shirt and black dress pants to the living room. Salina looks over from the tv in a blanket.

"Morning..." She says quietly.

"Morning. I'm headed out."

"Can I go?" Salina

"It's to a meeting..."

"Oh, Okay...." She quietly turns to the tv mumbling stupid girl multiple times.

"Go get dressed. I'm warning you its a meeting with all my men."

"Thank you!" She jumps up and runs to her room while i grab coffee. 

She comes out 10 minutes later in Rose's clothes that are a little big with how tiny this girl is. She looks the part of an Mc's daughter thou. In a Black crop top with a leather jacket over and high wasted black jeans showing almost no skin thank the lord.

"I'm ready." Salina

"Okay don't get scared. No one will touch you. Just stay by me."

"Okay." Salina

We get into the pick up and head to the clubhouse. We park on the side in front of the garage.

I see Everyone is already here. We walk into the garage and everyone sits around the table a few men are confused staring at the kid i have under my shoulder.

Ink notices her finally and makes all the guys move down one seat so there is a seat next to me.

"Hello Salina." Ink

"Hey Ink." Salina

"You got a new girl prez? Does that mean Rose free game?" A member asks.

I growl loud.

"Rose is Mine. NO ONE WILL TOUCH!" I growl and Salina sinks in her chair.

"I'm sorry Salina. Okay lets start this meeting."

"What's up Prez?" Ink asks

"We have some changes coming and I'm putting them in place today."

"Okays" where heard from all over.

"So to start. Rose and I will be married Saturday. Salina was amongst the girls we found yesturday with Rose. Rose and I adopted her together. She is now the heir to this MC and she will have the respect as it." 

Yes Sir. Is heard across the room

"Hello Salina." "Hey" "Hellllo Sweetie" "Good to see ya Young'n" and lots more as everyone greeted here.

"Now there will be some new rules and changes in the club."

"What have you decided boss?" Ink

"Rule one: Both my girls are protected at all times." Blade

"Library contray to her name can handle herself." I hear in the crowd.

"I don't care. I'm not chancing it again." I growl

"Rule 2: No Club girls Except special occasions... mostly just patched in parties." Blade

"Don't argue on that one. I want a clean clubhouse where our woman are welcome and I was cringing bringing my girl there the first time." Blade

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