Ch 2: Thoughts

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       "God damn it."

       The rolling chair creaked as Eraserhead slouched his back further in fatigue, a migraine threatening to hinder him further from his work along with his drowsiness. Groaning, he ran a hand through his raven tresses, his bloodshot eyes scanning over security feeds and some documents regarding a petty thief that may have potential to be a major one.

       The fucker just had to be active today of all days.

       His office's lights were off, with his lamp and computer monitor being the only source of light within the dark and minimalistic room. He was just a plug away to shut everything off and succumb to his desire of much needed sleep.

       Aizawa was too physically, mentally, and emotionally tired for this.

       Today was supposed to be his day off, but his agency called him somewhere at noon (it's now midnight), insisting that his quirk was the most efficient to deal with the wanted criminal. He had the chance to decline if he tried hard enough, but he figured that this case was delayed enough as it is, if they were really desperate to have him on the scene. Besides...

       It's part of his duty as a hero, isn't it?

       ... That's what he thinks you'd say if you were here.

       The man closed his eyes, shutting out the light of the computer screen from his sight, the same way he's trying to shut you out of his head. He may have sworn to himself to never forget, however, he also promised to himself to move on.

       What happened already happened.

       Your missing status for over seven years was recently revoked. You're now part of The Cyclone's death count; hence, the funeral just this morning. Aizawa was the one who authorized to stop your search yesterday; as he was the same person who first ordered it since day one. And he was the one who arranged your memorial.

       He needed to do this not just for you, but for himself too. It just wasn't healthy. He finally decided that it's been too long.

       He should accept things as they are.

       You're gone and he's still here.

       But what if you're still out there?

       What if you're still alive?

       What if you're trapped? Scared? Injured?

       What if you needed help?

       What if he denied you that help you sought just this morning when he stopped the search?

       What if you needed his help?

       What if he failed you to give you his help?

       What if he let you die?

       What if he let you die? What if he let yOU DIE? WHAT IF HE LET YOU DIE?


       Knock. Knock. Knock.

       "Eraserhead," The mentioned man snapped out of his thoughts when the chief of the operations knocked on his office's mahogany door before opening it—half of his body peaking out. "Our patrol will start at one. Better get ready." Ah, right. It's a group patrol.

       Aizawa was so used to solo missions that he almost forgot that his agency assigned a group to apprehend the villain he's currently studying about. It was just a precaution, given the criminal's quirk.

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