Ch 3: Your Funeral

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(Eight hours before All Might's scheduled meet-up with Seishin...)

(Seventeen hours before Eraserhead's mission...)

Earlier that morning...

Shouta was used to wearing black; his casual clothes and hero uniform was mostly consisted of that particular color. However, while the suit he was wearing was the same color of a dark abyss, he heavily detested it for the symbolism it represented. It only reminded him of today's event.

The sky wasn't cloudy; hell, it was bright out. The erasing hero wondered if the heavens already mourned for you the day after The Cyclone's passing, or if it didn't care about your death at all.

He didn't like the latter idea.

After what you've been through, you deserve the whole world lamenting your passing.

Your funeral was a humble one; simple and small, as how Aizawa had wanted it. He didn't want the press to know the place where you will be buried, despite the lack of your body. He doubted that they'd have the decency to give him space and not barrage him with questions for their articles. He was quite the 'celebrity', as he was one of the three survivors of The Cyclone's Heart. Not to mention that they'd want a scoop about the only individual that went missing in the phenomenon from the only person left alive who had relations with her.

Other than that, Aizawa expected that he would be the only person who would attend your burial, but was pleasantly surprised that that wasn't the case. While it was true he sent out a few private invitations to the people that once knew you, he really didn't expect any of them to come, but was glad that his assumption was proven wrong.

For one, his close friend, Hizashi, accompanied him. While the loud blonde never had the chance to meet you, he expressed his grievances, knowing how much you must have meant to the ravenette, as Aizawa would bring up topics of you at times. Hizashi Yamada may be loud and extravagant, but there were times when he doesn't know what to say or how to word things for Aizawa. Thus, Present Mic can only stay quiet and lend his company to his best friend.

And then, there were Shouta's middle school classmates. Or at least, what's left of his and your class.

Some were your past bullies. What once was their snotty, bratty selves became responsible workers and adults like him. They grew up, matured, and regretted making your middle school life a living hell. Aizawa was no different from them.

Because like the rest of them, when he changed was when it was too late.

"H-Hey, Aizawa-san. Sorry for your loss," The ravenette turned to look at the brunette who approached and called for his attention, Yuko. She usually leads the physical assault towards you back then, but you were such a quiet doormat that you just let them trample over you, encouraging their abusive actions.

And he just watched like a passer-by.

"Thanks..." He nonchalantly replied, as Yuko considered her thoughts properly before speaking up.

"God, I know I-I wasn't... wasn't exactly my best self with Seishin-san, hell, I don't even know why I-I disliked her so much." Her pink eyes avoided his onyx ones the whole time she was speaking, afraid that she will break down in guilt if she did so. "She seemed... She was a nice girl, but I guess at such an early age, I was... already affected by prejudice. But I... At the very least, you were there for her when none of us would hang out with her." She finally finished, sneaking a glance of the hero's reaction before her.

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