Ch 6: Similar

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"Mommy, you're here! Mommy! Mommy!"

A child ran towards her mother, the once dead light in her eyes flickering back to life at the sight of her parent, who only knelt by the border of yellow police tapes, holding a candle, a picture frame, and a white flower.

Once the young girl was face-to-face with the unnamed woman, the adult did not spare the child a single glance; only having the willpower to look down at the ruined cement she was kneeling on. Nevertheless, the girl was unaffected by her mother's neglect; not even when the older woman began crying.

Putting the lily down, the tired mother then gently placed the small picture frame on the ground; the candle following right after. With shaky hands, she lit the candle with a lighter, before bowing her head in sorrow.

"I'm s-so sorry, my little f-flower. Mommy f-failed protecting y-you," The woman sobbed, as the child still held the joyful smile on her youthful face. "You get t-to be with daddy n-now."

"That's okay! Mommy tried!" And with those final words, the transparent child slowly dissolved into light; finally moving on to the afterlife with her waiting father—never seen by her grieving mother; only noticing the unexplainable warmth that came afterwards—the warmth of her daughter's peace.

"I'm so sorry, Kira-chan...!"

"I'm sorry too..." You whispered to yourself, before leaving to give the mother her needed privacy.

The Cyclone... truly was a terrible thing.

After witnessing the mother's closure within the Cyclone's perimeter, you were affected by guilt once again—worsening with each visit by different people who came to grieve in these past eight years.

You remember the dead child to be the one whose desire is to find her mother; lost in asking for her parent. Now that her desire was fulfilled, she finally rested in peace. It would seem that the little girl's mother finally built enough strength to visit the place where her daughter died.

It was a rare occurrence to see a wandering soul pass on, as their desires often require them to be alive in the first place. The first time it happened was from a man who just wished to wait for his wife to die from her coma and go to the afterlife together.

Majority of the souls, however, found their peace in their death, as they have no unfinished business in life.

You wish to be part of that majority.

Later then came night, the sun casting its melancholic orange hues to the Cyclone's area, before letting the darkness follow after it through the trails of violet; the mother long gone, and with you back at the wrecked convenience store you call home. Kneeling in front of the shrine you made for the deceased, you looked at the calendar you made for yourself (it's just day-counting; you're unsure of the month, but you know the year). It's temporary until All Might visits and gives you a proper calendar.

Speaking of the number one hero, it's been eight years since you've last seen All Might. You wonder of his well-being. There were times you thought too pessimistically to yourself and thought him to be dead after being confined in a hospital. Of course, your rationality crossed that possibility out, as if he were to die, the media would be all over it-- especially on newspapers. Since you read printed papers religiously, you would know if he was actually deceased.

You just hope that he's just okay.

Hm... It's been eight years since you've last seen Touya too.

You remember how the silverette found out your name through missing posters and multiple newspaper articles, and in turn you found out his through his own mouth, as his "fair deal", he claimed.

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