Chapter 1

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Chloe Beale entered the hospital where she worked and immediately headed towards the cafeteria to get herself a cup of coffee. She'd be dead to the world until she got caffeine into her system. As she made her way down the hall, she came across her best friend, Aubrey who was holding two cups of coffee.

The blonde stopped and held out one of the cups for Chloe to take. "I've got your daily dose of caffeine, Dr. Beale."

"I heart you so much!" Chloe took the cup and sipped its contents. "So good," she moaned out. "So what do you have planned for today?"

"Nothing exciting. I'm putting in a pacemaker in two hours. I might let my intern help."

"What?" A voice said, excitedly from behind them. "You're going to let me scrub in?"

Aubrey turned around and rolled her eyes at the eager intern. "Dr. Rose-,"

"Actually, my first name is Cynthia Rose. My last name is-,"

"I don't care," Aubrey cut her off. "And don't interrupt me. It's rude. Now as I was saying, Dr. Rose, do you have the blood test results for Nancy Bennett?"

Cynthia Rose shook her head. "The lab hasn't gotten to it yet."

Aubrey glared at the intern. "Make them get to it or you won't see the inside of an operating room for days."

Cynthia Rose quickly headed down the hall to do as her boss had told her.

Aubrey shook her head and continued to walk with Chloe. "What surgeries do you have lined up?"

"I've got a heart valve replacement," Chloe answered. "That's the most exciting thing thus far."

"I'll trade you," Aubrey said with pleading eyes.

Chloe laughed. She knew her best friend had been getting stuck with surgeries that didn't quite show off her skills. "It's all yours."

Their pagers simultaneously went off and they quickly pulled them out. Seconds after pulling their pagers out, they both ditched their coffee and ran out to the ambulance bay.

"What do we have?" Chloe asked as she pulled gloves onto her hands.

"Five car pile up caused by a drunk driver," another doctor, Jessica answered.

The ambulances started to pull up and Chloe went to the first victim that got wheeled out of an ambulance.

"I'm fine," the brunette woman said as she was wheeled into the hospital.

Chloe scanned the woman quickly. "You need stitches. You probably have a concussion and possibly other internal injuries. You need to be checked out."

"I'll get the stitches but then I'm out," the woman insisted.

Chloe ignored the brunette and instructed the EMTS to push the gurney into the emergency department aka the pit so she could deal with the patient. She saw her intern, Amy and waved her over. "She needs stitches. Do you remember what happened the last time you did sutures? Don't let that happen again."

"I've got this," Amy promised. "I can do sutures with my hands tied behind my back... well, I can't but you know what I mean. I'm a suture pro."

Chloe grinned at the blonde's words. "Just make it clean. And don't let her leave. She needs a CT scan."

Chloe rushed off to return to the bay and Amy turned to the patient. "Hi, I'm Doctor Stiles. Don't worry. I'm totally bad ass at this."

The brunette looked unsure. "What happened the last time you did this?" She asked, having heard Chloe's threat to the blonde.

"Oh, that. Pft, it was nothing. We found the needle. It was fine. So what's your name?"

"It's Beca... Beca Mitchell."

When Chloe finally got a chance to breathe, she headed back to the pit where the brunette from earlier had been. She found her glaring at Amy with her arms folded across her chest.

"Thank god," Amy breathed out with relief. She gestured to the annoyed brunette. "I'm done babysitting this one." Amy handed Chloe the chart and stomped off.

The redhead chuckled. "Give her a hard time?"

"She wouldn't let me leave... per your orders apparently."

Chloe nodded towards the stitched up cut on the brunette's forehead. "Your cut looks like it'll heal just fine, Ms..." She looked down at the chart. "Mitchell."

"Great. Can I go home now?" Beca asked.

"Nope, you have a concussion." Chloe looked over the chart. "And we're waiting for your test results. How are you feeling?"

"I have a headache and I'm annoyed because you won't let me leave. I'm not staying here any longer than I have to."

"You're staying until those results come back so shut up and relax until then... unless you're in pain. You can talk then."

The brunette frowned. "Are you this verbally abusive to all your patients?"

"Only when they're being stubborn." Chloe saw a nurse and gestured for her to come over. "Lilly find somewhere more comfortable for Ms. Mitchell to rest and monitor her for me. I have to check on other patients but I shouldn't be long." Chloe smiled at Beca before leaving once again.

An hour later, Chloe went into the room Beca had been taken to after her CT scan. "Ms. Mitchell-,"

"Beca. Call me Beca."

Chloe smiled. "Beca your results came back. Your head's fine. Nothing going on in there other than your mild concussion. I'd recommend you staying here overnight, though."

"My friend's already on his way to get me. I'm not staying. And that Nurse Lilly person is kind of creepy. Are you sure she's not an escaped mental patient posing as a nurse? She told me she would've preferred working in a morgue."

"That's Lilly for you. But anyway, you should really stay. Anything could happen between now and tomorrow, but if you're going to go against the will of your very intelligent doctor, then I can't stop you."

"Great," Beca said, happy to know she'd be able to leave without any further trouble.

"I trust someone has already told you how to care for your concussion?" Chloe asked.

"All taken care of," Beca said.

"Okay, then you'll just need to sign some papers once your friend gets here." Chloe pulled a card from her pocket. "Call me if anything changes."

"Will do. Thanks."

"I mean it. Don't hesitate to call." Chloe's pager went off and she fought the urge to chuck it across the room. There was something about Beca that intrigued her and she really wanted to learn more about her. "I have to go."

"Duty calls," Beca smiled.

Chloe reached into her pocket and pulled out a lollipop. "For being a semi-good girl and at least getting a CT scan."

Beca laughed and took the candy. "Gee, thanks."

Chloe winked at her and rushed off to deal with whatever crisis awaited her.

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