Chapter 9

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Beca was back at home after finishing her set for the night. She wasn't feeling too well so she had told Jesse she was tired. Saying anything else would've sent the boy into worry mode. Halfway through the night her chest had started feeling tight and she knew that was her cue to rest. Grabbing a glass of water, she went into her room to take the pills she had forgotten to take earlier in the day. Another thing she had failed to mention to Jesse who would've freaked out on her.

After taking her pills, Beca changed into plaid pajama pants and a tank top before climbing into bed. Just as she was getting comfortable, she heard the front door open and frowned. Sitting up, she left her room and saw Jesse. "What are you doing here?"

"Benji said he saw you holding your chest tonight," Jesse said. "What's wrong?"

Beca rolled her eyes. "You worry for nothing. You didn't have to leave work to check on me."

Jesse raised his eyebrows waiting for an answer.

"I just forgot to take my medication today," Beca said. "I took it now. I just had a lot going on this morning with Chloe finding out about my shitty heart that it slipped my mind," she added quickly.

"So you're going to be okay?" Jesse asked.

Beca nodded. "Now I'm going to bed. Go back to work."

Jesse watched his best friend go back to her room before he sat down on the couch. He noticed Beca's bag on the coffee table and glanced back in the direction she had gone before digging into her bag for her phone. When he didn't find it, he sighed and relaxed on the couch.

"Go to work!" Beca yelled from her room.

"I will! I just want to grab something to eat real quick!" He yelled back.

After twenty minutes passed, Jesse got up and headed towards Beca's room. He slowly cracked the door open and saw that the brunette was asleep. He took her phone from the nightstand and left the room, going through her contact list.

"Hey, hi... um, this is Jesse... no, no. Beca's fine... she forgot to take her medication so she's feeling a little... blah, so I was wondering if you could come over and stay with her. I need to be at work but I don't want to leave her alone... that's perfect... I'll see you soon."

Jesse opened the door when he heard the knock and he smiled a greeting at Chloe. "Thanks for coming. I hope you weren't busy."

"I was just leaving work. It's fine. Where is she?" Chloe entered the apartment and turned to look at Jesse.

"She's in her room asleep. She's probably going to be pissed that I called you."

"I'll handle it," Chloe said. "Thanks for calling me."

Jesse smiled and bid Chloe farewell before leaving to go back to the club. Chloe locked the door and went into Beca's room.

She kicked off her shoes and set her bag down on the dresser before crawling into the bed.

"Jesse I'm alive. You don't need to check my pulse. Go away," Beca muttered tiredly.

Chloe smiled. "If I don't check your pulse, can I stay?"

Beca turned around in surprise. "Chloe? What are you doing here?"

"Jesse didn't want to leave you alone. He told me you forgot to take your meds."

"He worries too much." Beca couldn't be too annoyed. She was glad to see Chloe. "You didn't leave all those sick people at work to come babysit me did you?"

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