Chapter 2

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Chloe entered the cafeteria later that day and plopped down beside Aubrey. "Longest day ever."

          Aubrey pushed her coffee cup to Chloe. "When are you going home?"

          "I'm on-call. I'll grab some sleep in an on-call room."

          Aubrey gave her friend a sympathetic look. "You should eat and go catch a nap now. You look like hell."

          Chloe rolled her eyes. "Thanks. You do great things to my ego." Chloe reached over and grabbed half of Aubrey's sandwich.

          Aubrey checked her watch. "I have twenty more minutes for us to catch up." The two lived together but they hadn't had much time to sit and actually talk in a few days."

          Chloe finished chewing her food and then let out a sigh. "Okay, um... Lauren and I broke up. She actually told me to choose between work and her."

          Aubrey laughed. "Really? Weren't you dating for only a month?"

          "Less than that even. That's the only new thing in my life. Your turn."

          "Wait, we're still on you. When are you going to stop wasting your time dating jerks?"

          "It's not like I know they're jerks before I date them. I'm lucky I can even find time to date."

          "You know what," Aubrey began. "We should go out. We deserve it."

          Another doctor, Stacie Hudson joined them at the table. "What do we deserve?"

          Aubrey grinned at the surgeon. "Way to find your way out of the on-call room with your nurse of the day."

          Stacie feigned offense. "That car accident really put a dent in my sex life for today."

          "Rough day for you, huh?" Chloe said, sarcastically.

          Stacie sighed, ignoring the sarcasm. "You have no idea. Some intern threw up on me. He couldn't handle seeing a skin graft. I'm working with amateurs."

          "They're interns," Aubrey pointed out, simply. "Don't expect too much."

          "Don't worry, Stacie," Chloe grinned. "The day is still young. You'll find yourself in a compromising position before the day ends." 

          "Haha," Stacie glared at the redhead playfully. "So what do we deserve?" She asked again.

          "A night out," Chloe said. "I need a night of fun. All work and no play is leaving me very-,"

          "Dry?" Stacie quirked an eyebrow and glanced down at Chloe's lap.

          "You're disgusting... but you're right. I need to get laid." Chloe hadn't slept with Lauren. They had gone on a few dates and to be honest, she really didn't find the woman to be that interesting.

          "I have the perfect place for us. There's this club, Pulse that I've been dying to find time to go to. It's hard to get into but we're three fine ladies. We'll be able to get in. We should plans to go next week."

          "I'm in," Aubrey said, happily. She could use a night of drinks and relaxation.

          Before the three could launch into details about their plans, Aubrey's pager went off followed by Stacie's. With the job that they had, Chloe wondered if they'd actually be able to follow through with their plans.

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