Chapter 5

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Chloe, Aubrey and Stacie entered the club where Beca worked and instantly felt the vibrations of the music course through them. They had gotten in for free due to Beca telling the bouncer to let "a redhead named Chloe" in when she arrived. That had won the brunette points with Chloe's friends.

Chloe scanned the club and found Beca exactly where she said she'd be. She looked at home behind the turntables as she got everyone in the club dancing to her mix. "There she is. Come on. I'll introduce you."

The women made their way over to the platform and Beca smiled a greeting at Chloe. She finished off the song before she stepped down to greet the redhead properly.

"Hey, that was amazing," Stacie exclaimed as a new song began blaring.

"Thanks," Beca smiled.

Chloe gestured to her friends. "Beca these are my friends Aubrey and Stacie."

"Doctors?" Beca asked.

"Cardio and plastics," Aubrey replied. "It's nice to meet you. We've heard good things."

Beca grinned. "Yeah? Like what?"

"How hot you are for one," Stacie said.

Chloe was glad that it was dark in the club or Beca would've seen her face turn red.

Jesse approached his friend and smiled at the others. His eyes fell on Chloe and he held his hand out to greet her. "You must be Chloe?"

"I am." Chloe shook his hand.

"This is Jesse." Beca cut in before Jesse could say anything to embarrass her. "He co-owns Pulse with me. Jesse why don't you take the ladies over to the bar."

"Yes, now you're speaking my language." Stacie grabbed Aubrey's hand and pulled her towards the bar.

Chloe laughed. "Sorry, you're going to be witnessing doctors gone wild tonight. We don't get out much."

"It's fine. I hope they have a great time. Let me know when clothes start coming off so I can record it. I could make a fortune."

Chloe playfully slapped the brunette on the arm. "Dance with me?"

Beca knew she should say no. She had been on the go all day and hadn't rested yet. "Sure, but just one. I want to show you around."

Chloe pulled Beca into the middle of the crowd of dancers and the two got lost in each other.

Beca entered her office with Chloe and flipped on the lights. "And this is my office."

Chloe entered the room and looked around. It was a simple office. It had the essentials. A small couch rested in one corner of the room and Beca's desk was practically bare as if she hardly came in here.

"I try to stay out of here as often as possible," Beca said as if reading Chloe's mind. "It gets boring. I just like dealing with the music."

"You don't have any pictures in here." Chloe mused as she continued to glance around. "Actually, now that I think about it, you didn't have pictures at your place either."

"I'm not very sentimental. And pictures usually lead to people asking why I don't have any of my mother."

Chloe turned to look at Beca. "Why don't you?"

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