PART 1 - Scene 1 - Atlantica Missile Base

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The waves sway against the rock faces of the island, as we zoom up from the aqua blue ocean heading up to a dawning horizon. Now we zoom over the hill, revealing a green streak of land, just behind an establishment with indestructible walls. Inside, dozens of rocket silos sitting ready to blast off into the direction deep into space. The missiles positioned with their stand holding them up and ready. We could list and describe them, however with countless rockets launchers and missiles standing by it would take far too long to begin listing. Hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds. The edge of the site, housing a quadrilateral building dressed in grey with a design looking like it was made out of gigantic LEGO bricks and several windows in this long and tall headquarters. Positioned right by the entrance with its steel-like doors and the lights and CCTV scattered across Atlantica monitoring every inch of the grounds; from its missiles to its empty spaces in gaps where the missiles are stationed. A signpost is situated outside by the walls as the road pulls up. A helipad port, directly right to the side from incoming in towards the site. Big enough for several large crafts on touchdown.

Inside Atlantica Missile Base Headquarters, we follow down a bare corridor with nothing apart from the shinning grey walls with bricks made as though they were from LEGO, seeing the lines of the pieces together (if was made of it). Nothing special is decorated along the walls; no portraits, no mirrors, no windows. Just nothing, except the corridor. The doors are so well disguised by the wall you'd almost not make out with only a small black line between the walls until you approached closer. A shadow approaches, heading down this long corridor with the occasional left or right turn heading deeper into the compound, somewhere else unimportant for now. The portly Colonel Henderson, a stiff-upper-lip military officer, a US soldier, ruthless, cold, arrogant. His medals on his green uniform highlight his authority as well as his upright posture and quick gait. The other woman with him, Sergeant Mantez, an officer of the base walking behind the Colonel in her navy blue trousers and her lighter blue shirt and dim black-tie escort the Colonel around the complex, exploring Atlantica for him.

Colonel Henderson:

Yes, yes. Very good Sergeant Mantez. All most impressive here at Atlantica. The World President will have a good report I assure you. You know how important your position here is.

Sergeant Mantez:

Indeed Colonel. Although it does get rather uneventful here seeing that nothing ever happens here on this island. Not that anyone would of course try to break into Atlantica.

Colonel Henderson:

Quite. And how do you describe your responsibility to the peoples of the world as uneventful?

Sergeant Mantez:

Well sir, seeing that Atlantica is impregnable from above, around and below, it means that nobody would be successful in penetrating through. Therefore with no action it means it can become rather dull.

Colonel Henderson:

Reasonable Sergeant, reasonable. As demonstrated earlier, any form of unidentified craft or person in this area will be terminated within five miles of this island. Except of course myself. Now, the control room.

Sergeant Mantez:

This way sir.

The two reach the end of the passage before a light beams from the left side of the wall, a red identification detector flashing at the left of their chest for a small little silver dish. The Colonel's is scanned first, below his honorary medals, followed by Mantez's.

Colonel Henderson:

As you say Sergeant, it is of course impregnable.

Sergeant Mantez:

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