Part 2

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"Kaisynn, Honey its time to get up and start getting ready." my mom says through my door waking me up. "Okay.. Give me 20 mins, then I'll be down to eat breakfast." I shouted knowing she is already making her way to make sure the twins are up. I quickly throw My blanket off, Goose bumps quickly covering my skin, until my body gets used to the temperature. I do my usual morning routine for school. Today is the first day of senior year. Meaning Friday is the first football game of the season and Saturday is the team cookout. I looked in the mirror one last time to make sure my outfit looks okay.

 I looked in the mirror one last time to make sure my outfit looks okay

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(Kaisynn's outfit above)

I grab my phone off the charger and head to downstairs. I eat breakfast and take the first day of school pictures with my family before grabbing my keys,bag and training bag and heading to my car. when I get to the school, I find a parking spot close to the field but not far from the school. I get out of my car and head towards the school, I notice a lot of people staring at me and whispering. I quickly find my way to the office, where I see a woman who is probably in her late 30's typing on a computer. "Excuse me, My name is Kaisynn Davis, I was wondering if i could get my class schedule?" I say politely, the lady looks up from the computer and smiles sweetly. "Oh! your coach Davis's Daughter. He talks about you all the time. let me go get that for you!" she walks away into a room, where i assume they keep the students transcripts. She comes back out shortly after. "here you go sweetie, have a great day and if you need any help just ask." she said handing me the schedule. My brothers already have theirs, since they came down with my dad for training and to get the house set up. 

Leaving the office, I quickly find my locker. I put my stuff in and get my stuff for my next three classes and try to find my way to Honors English. I walk in right as the bell rings. shortly after the teacher starts telling us about her, what the class will entail, and blah blah blah. its the same speech just a different school and teacher. The next couple of hours flew by and i found all my classes with little help. It was now 5th hour, lunch! god i love food. I was walking to my locker to put my things up when i ran into something hard, falling to the ground."Hey watch where you are going!" a voice said. I look up to see a tall  blond. he is only maybe 6'1. he has an annoyed expression on his face. i don't know why he is annoyed, i was the one who was ran into and yelled out. "You know you are the one who ran into me right? maybe you should  listen to yourself." I said after standing to my full height of 5'5.  he scuffed, his annoyed expression become a killer glare. Man he must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed. "Look i don't have time for you to try to get me into your pants by playing hard to get. now move out of my way, you have already made me late." he says keeping his eyes on mine. 

"kyler, leave the poor girl alone." a girls voice says from behind me. she walks up beside us and smiles. i recognize her from some of the group training, her name is adrain or adian i don't remember exactly. "Hi, we haven't formally met, my name is Adian Peters and this jack ass is kyler Conway. He is always an ass so don't pay much mind to him." she says as she smiles at me. "oh yeah! I remember you. I'm kaisynn, though i think you know who I am." i reply giving her a small smile in return."You can sit with my friends and I at lunch if you want." she says, as kyler walks off."I get the feeling that he is not going to like that." i say as i laugh. she links arms with me and pulls me to the cafeteria before i can put my stuff in the locker. oh well guess i will just have to stop there after lunch. " Oh don't worry about him. he thinks just because he is the quarterback and a man whore, he runs this school. well him and my brother..." she explains as she takes a seat at a table. " guys this is Kaisynn Davis, she just moved here from California. Kaisynn these are most of my friends, jasmine,Kait, sydnie and hailey." she says as she pulls me down into a chair. the girls all smile or wave to me. 

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