Part 4

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**Kaisynn P.O.V.**

I woke up to my brothers shaking me, telling me that i was safe and i was okay. I was drenched in sweat. my brothers were sitting at the end of my bed when I finally Calmed down. "Kaisynn, I know you don't like to talk about it..." Kacee began to speak. but i quickly cut him off. "I'm fine. I guess I just miss her more than I should. It has almost been a year. I guess it is just bringing up some feelings. I think i will just schedule an appointment with my therapist." My mom walked in, her eyes filled with sadness and worry. "I'm just gonna go for a run and then get ready for school today." I said getting out of bed and getting clothes to run in. the boys left my room for me to get dressed but mom stayed. "Honey..." she started but i just walked out the door with my headphones playing my music on blast.  

after running 5 and a half miles i finally got home. everyone was up getting ready for school or work. I quickly got some clothes and hopped in the shower. After a quick shower, I got dressed. When i started doing my makeup, there was a knock at the door. "Hey baby girl" my dad said as he entered the room. i knew why he was in here. my dad and i are closer than my mom and I. I have always been a daddy's girl. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my dad pulled me from my chair and into a hug. I needed the hug. "Baby, I know these past couple years have been hard for all of us, especially you. I am not gonna ask if your okay. I know your workin on it. I couldn't imagine what your going through. But I love you and I am here for you. "My dad said to me pulling away. I had some tears in my eyes but i blinked them away quickly. " thanks dad, I am Okay. I miss her everyday, i think about her all of the time, but I am at peace with it." I gave him a small smile. "I gotta finish getting ready before i am late. I love you and I will see you at the field for the game. "I kissed his cheek turning back to finish my makeup and hair. Its game day so we have to wear our cheer uniforms and have our makeup and hair done for the game. 

Kaisynn's cheer uniform^

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Kaisynn's cheer uniform^

When i got to school went straight to my locker, dumping my bag and getting the things i would need for the day. I felt a presence behind me. Turning around I see Aidan, she was staring at something. I follow her line of sight to see what it was. It was a picture of me and leah... shit! How am i gonna explain this one. I quickly shut my locker. Aidan snapped her head to me. "Her name  was leah. she passed away 7 months ago." I said to aid. I guess she got the feeling I didn't want to talk about the picture. she smiled a small smile to me. there was an awkward silence before the bell rang for us to go to class. I quickly turned around and went to class. 

It was now time for lunch. I was happy for lunch to be here. In every class all i could think about was leah. I had already got my lunch from my dad. he had so kindly brought me chick fil a. I was walking to the table I had set at yesterday. I saw aid and some of the other girls from the cheer team along with some boys. as i got closer I realized that two of them were the twins. Not a lot of people have figured at that we are related. I guess it's because they have my moms blonde hair and blue eyes. I sat down next to aid. All the guys besides my brothers at the table looked at me, then each other. but didn't say a word. "Kaisynn, we were just talking about not going to the last two hours to work on the cheers and get the girls who are not ready for the game ready. does that sound okay with you?" aid asked me. "Uhh... sure. I don't have the patience for class today anyways." I said. the boys were still silent and staring. I looked at aid and the girls. they were just chatting. completely oblivious to the lack of conversation from the boys. I decided to ignore it and join into the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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