"Yah! YangYang don't run around the dorm with scissors!"
I sat on the couch as Kun ran by hectically trying to stop the maknae and smiled.
"Jiwon, would you lend a hand please?"
I looked over at the out of breathe Kun and nodded with a small smile.
"Sure. YangYang bring me the scissors please.""Okay Oppa~"
I rolled my eyes as he slowly walked to me and handed me the sharp objects and continued running around trying to catch Hendery and Xiaojun in a game of tag. Kun looked at me with wide eyes and flopped over the couch so his head was in my lap."How on earth do you do that?"
I smile and ruffle his hair.
"I have a way with kids I guess."He laughs and nods.
"Yeah. You could say that again."He closed his eyes slowly as I played with his hair. His soft humming of a song I almost recognized. We sat there for a while, talking about my other schedules coming up and the next come back before we were interrupted by WinWin, Ten and Lucas coming back into the dorms.
"Bro, Kun looks half dead. What happened?"
My gaze went to Lucas and I smiled while pointing out the three members running around the dorm.
"He chased after YangYang becuase he was running with scissors. Which I don't really know why he had them in the first place, but at least no one got hurt."The three at the doorway nod and unload the few groceries they got. Kun stood up and walked into the kitchen to assist them as I watched over the three knuckleheads running around.
I grabbed my bag from the corner of my shared room with Lucas and Kun and headed out to the studio. We were off today but I wanted to work on a project I'm doing for NCTzens. I smiled to myself as I entered the SM building and walked into the recording studio that I usually use. After I put my things down I grabbed the paper with the lyrics I wrote on them and went into the sound room. I signalled the staff member to start the music and began recording.
Once it was finished I went out of the small room with the microphone and listened to it with the staff member.
"It sounds perfect. You did an amazing job."
I smiled at the staff and thanked him before he left to work on other things. My mind told me to listen to it again just to be sure to I hit play on it once again and listened. My pronunciation is getting better which is a good thing so I'm not unhappy with it. I finished saving it to my drive and grabbed my bag before leaving the building once again.
"This is amazing!"
I smiled and flushed a little while sitting in the 127 dorm. The members had just listened to my song and were praising my hard work.
"Thank you."Taeyong smiles and ruffles my hair.
"They're going to love it, Ji."I smiled once again and we all seperated to do our own things in the dorm.
"That really was amazing. You keep saying that you need more practice when in reality, you just need to be teaching us."
I grinned at the complimenting Johnny and shook my head.
"Never."He laughed and ruffled my hair before walking off.
I decided to take a shower and change before heading to the Dream dorm. Mark and Haechan were staying with 127 so I wanted to be sure that the Dreamies would be okay for the night.
When I walked into the dorm, there was loud crying coming from one of the bedrooms and I dropped my bag, not caring what was in it and ran to the location. Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun were standing outside of a room trying to get the door open while Chenle was fidgeting with his phone.
None of them noticed me and they continued to call out to Jisung.
"Hey, Jisung. We are calling the hyungs. They'll be on their way soon. Please come out and talk to us." I sighed at Jaemin's failed attempt and cleared my throat. The ones standing outside of the door immediately moved aside and watched my every move. I walked as close to the door as I could and rested my hands on it. Jisung's cries were getting louder and he was making noises that somewhat sounded like words but not quite. I sighed and knocked twice."Jisung, it's Jiwon. Open the door."
I heard quiet shuffling before the door was flung open and I saw a very upset Jisung. The moment he laid eyes on me he sobbed again and flung himself into my arms. I picked him up and carried him to his bed before sitting down with him on my lap. His sobs grew quieter as I stroked his hair and rubbed his lower back.
"Baby, tell me what happened."
He sniffled before speaking.
"Mark hyung promised that he would come here tonight so we could watch the stars. He promised and he never breaks his promises. I already texted Haechan and he said Mark wasn't coming. He doesn't care about me anymore. What did I do, Jiwon?"I shook my head and pulled away from him.
"Mark will always care for you, okay. He loves all of his members very much. And he is coming tonight. He is just running late."Jisung's eyes widened at my words and his crying slowly stopped.
"Really?"I smiled and wiped away the remaining tears.
"Yes really."He smiled a little and got up.
"Well then I should go and get the place ready."I nodded as he left the room and the other Dreamies stared at me with wide eyes.
"I thought he was staying at the 127 dorm tonight?" I locked gazes with Renjun and nodded.
"Yeah. He WAS. Not anymore. I'm going to go get him and some snacks for tonight. You guys go help him get ready."
They smiled and followed Jisung into the living room. Once they were clear of the front door I rushed out and to the 127 dorm again. I practically tore the door off the hinges and ran inside to see Taeyong and Johnny look at me funny.
"Hey, welcome back-"
The two older members froze at the tone of my voice and footsteps were heard coming down the hallway. Mark ran into the room and widened his eyes at the sight of me.
"What? Who's hurt?"I frowned.
"Jisung, that's who. The stars tonight."Mark gasped and grabbed his phone before I dragged him out of the dorm and pushed him in the direction of the Dreamies dorm.
"Go. He's waiting for you. I'm getting snacks real quick. Don't tell him I got you or that you forgot."
He smiled and hugged me tightly before whispering a small ,"thank you."
I smiled a little and shooed him away. Then it was off to get the snacks.

24th Male Member: NCT fanfic
FanfictionA fanfic in which NCT has a 22nd member. DISCLAIMER I don't own any of the pictures, gifs, edits, or videos added in this story. All rights go to the original owners.