ah yes- dysphoria

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the day started off normal, but little did dib know it would become horrible within minutes. he was working on something with zim next to him when he almost dropped what he was working on and doubled over.

"dib are you ok?" zim jumped up from where he was sitting, unsure of what to do. dib knew exactly what was happening- he was having his period, which he hated because it gave him a huge amount of body dysphoria. zim didn't understand- dib had explained it to him at some point, but he couldn't remember what dib had told him.

"zim, it's a bodily function specifically for females but it causes me deep hatred of my body" zim frowned. he knew not of this hatred of oneself or one's own body. "dib i still don't understand-" he groaned, curling into a ball.

zim picked him up and carried him to their nest. he didn't know what else to do for his boyfriend. at one time, when he had gone into dib's private room, he had found a top made of a flesh colored material, its hue close in color to dibs skin color and a bucket of shots. he didn't understand the function or purpose of these things but had made a mental note to ask dib.

"um dib i went to your room to get one of your sweaters and i found a strange top of flesh color close to yours and a bucket of empty syringes. is there anything you want to tell me?" dib was nervous, but he knew that zim would support him- or he at least strongly hoped he would.
"zim i am a transgender male. i was born in a female body but my soul is male." he looked at the ground, ashamed of himself.

"dib it's ok i'm not gonna leave. i respect your choice, and i support you. i love you dib." he kissed dib, threading his claws into dibs soft fluffy black hair. he loved dib and didn't understand why he feared telling zim such a thing. he had already told gaz and prof. membrane, surely zim too could be trusted.

"i was scared of what you'd say or do. you irken aren't necessarily the friendliest." he said, putting his arms around zims' waist and pulling him close.

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