C18. He Is the Only One who Doesn't Deserve It

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After that day, Charlie Jiang never comes here again. Mandy still lives in that room, but she considers whether to go out to work or not. Although she is the daughter of Hayes, she marries Charlie after graduation and has never worked.

But before Mandy has made a decision, she finds a more frightening thing: her menstruation does not come this month. She waits for a few days in panic, but it does not come.

Her menstruation is always regular. So, it's weird.

A word flashes across her mind quickly, which makes her white face become paler.

At this time, she shouldn't have a child of Charlie in any case.

Mandy sits in the room for a long time before she decides to check it out, but when she is ready to go out, she finds that she has no money at all. Charlie has never given her any money. She has spent hundreds of yuan she only has when meeting Hayes.

Now she is penniless, not to mention buying a pregnancy tester.

When flipping through her mobile phone contacts, she finds that there is nobody who can help her. When she is desperate, a thin business card suddenly catches her eyes.

Mandy has never thought that Young will promise to lend her money. When she stands at the appointed destination, her heart still trembles. After waiting for a while, she sees Young rushing over, apologizing to her, "Sorry, a traffic jam blocks my way. Sorry for your waiting."

"That's all right. It's I who bother you." At this time, Mandy isn't domineering any more like the last time. She becomes restrained and respectful.

Young doesn't think much about her facial expression. He gives the envelope in his hand to her. "Here is ten thousand yuan. Although you said five thousand yuan would be enough for you, I thought it's not."

In life, adding the icing on the cake is good while offering timely help is indeed rare and precious.

Looking at the long and clean knuckles stretched out in front of his eyes, Mandy suddenly wants to cry. Seeing that she doesn't catch the money,Young puts the envelope directly into her hand, and then says, "You take it first. If it's not enough, you can just tell me."

Mandy stares at his eyes and chokes, "Thank you."

"There is no need to say that. We have grown up together, right?" Young takes it for granted and then asks, "By the way, have you eaten yet? Let me take you to have something to eat."

"No." Mandy raises her eyes to him and refuses, "I...I have something to do."

"OK. Next time."

Young's eyes are full of the undisguised sense of loss. Mandy is startled for a moment, and unconsciously says, "If you don't mind, you can wait for me to finish the work and have the meal together."

Young thinks he must have misheard. After a while, he comes to his sense with joy on the eyebrows and then asks, "Well, let's have the meal together till you finish your work, but what are you going to do? May I help you?"

"Help? You can't help me." Mandy smiles bitterly and says, "I seem to be pregnant."


Young is shocked by the word, and suddenly frozen there. He takes pity on her and asks hesitantly, "Is... Is it the child of Charlie?"

"Maybe." Mandy pouts her lips, and her eyes are filled with indifference.

When seeing her in such mood, Young then asks, "Do you want to tell him?"

Tell Charlie? It's impossible.

Mandy looks at Young and says earnestly, "I beg you not to tell anyone about that, especially Charlie."

"Why? He's the father of the child, isn't he? You want to raise him by yourself?"

"He doesn't deserve it." Mandy's eyes suddenly became cold, and he says cynically, "Each person in the world deserves to be the father of my child except Charlie. If I really have his child, I won't give birth to that child!" Next chapter ↓↓ (External Link Below ↓↓)

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