C38. You Used to Be My World (The End)

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In the ward, Mandy is sitting while Young is peeling apples for her aside. It is quiet before Charlie appears at the door of the ward. Young finds that Mandy stops breathing for a second, and sees Charlie standing there when Young turns around.

Since he picked Mandy up, his relationship with Charlie has been worse. They are no longer friends but rivals. But no matter what results of the business war are, he wants to thank Charlie at least in that matter.

Young has never thought that Charlie has arranged an informer in the place where Mandy works, so he guesses that there must be something that happened when Mandy doesn't work on time.

Young thinks that the behavior is shameless, but he has to admit that if Charlie hadn't arranged the informer, Mandy would not be alive now.

While he thinks about that, he doesn't want to be concerned so much with Charlie. Click the external link to unlock the whole chapter 38 - You Used to Be My World (The End)

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