C35. The Truth

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For three days, Charlie hasn't appeared in the hospital and doesn't returned to Jiang's mansion. After making up his mind, he suddenly has no idea how to face Vivi.

When he is drunk in the bar, Young finds him unexpectedly. Looking at Charlie, who is drunken in front of him, he asks the bartender to bring a bucket of ice water and pours the water all over Charlie without any hesitation.

Cold quickly seeps through his pores and spreads over his limbs. Charlie suddenly comes to his senses and sees Young standing in front of him with an indifferent face as soon as he opens his eyes. His voice is hoarse. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to show you something." Young throws a drum letter on the table in front of Charlie. "Look at it. I believe you will have different feelings."

Charlie suspiciously takes the envelope. When he opens it, he finds that there are photographs in it. Although some pictures are very blurred, it's easy to recognize who they are.

Those are the pictures of Vivi and the other man. Their intimacy makes him trembling. He asks incredibly, "Where... Where do you get those pictures?"

"As I tell you, I don't believe that Mandy will be the kind of person in your mind. So, I spend some time to investigate your wife. She is the most scheming woman as Mandy says."  Click the external link to unlock the whole chapter 35 - The Truth.


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