C34. Everything Can't Come Back

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I don't want your blood running through its body.

In that case, it's better to let him leave the world!

Mandy's sentences push him into hell in an instant. Charlie feels that there are a million insects gnawing his heart. No. There are 10 million insects gnawing his heart. His heart is gnawed to nothing instantly.

Charlie grits his teeth and stares at Mandy in front of him with grief in his tone.

"You... What do you say?"

"I say that It is I who wants to have an abortion, because its father is you, I don't want..."

Before Mandy finishes saying, a slap from Charlie falls on her cheek. Suddenly, Mandy's face turns sideways accompanied by the sound.

Charlie watches his hand in the air, and his eyes are filled with astonishment, pain and confusion. He doesn't know that he would slap Mandy. But when he hears what she says, he slaps her involuntarily.

The pain coming from her cheek makes Mandy come to her senses. She slowly turns her head and looks at Charlie. She says coldly, "That slap should be returned to you. I will never make an apology to you as regards the matter of my child." Next chapter ↓↓ (External Link Below ↓↓) 

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