i thought i moved on

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i did my damnedest to cease loving you
so i constructed barriers around my heart
and found other names to whisper

but you engraved yourself
into my veins and memory
even if you meant to or not

and every now and then i ponder
if you remember the way
we gazed at each other

or maybe you forgot

dear you,

so much of what we learn about love is taught by people who never really loved us enough to stay. it's comical how you've turned into the person, that in the beginning, you said you never would be; my biggest error wasn't falling for you, it was believing that you had fallen for me too.

before i knew it, you were gone. you took the sun along with you when you left, and i didn't even get enough time with you; so i wrote you into excerpts you'll never read. for i had faith in myself, i believed that if i wrote enough excerpts, it would make you return. i tried keeping you alive in that sense.

when you left, my heart ceased to exist. but then reality strikes, and i register that there's not a single thing i can do to bring you back; because you didn't want to be back at all. and what terrifies me the most is that there's still a lifetime left — after you. yet i'll never be able to love as a whole again.

for you were my anchor.

from, 10pm girl

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