Chapter two: life plans

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Growing up I always thought i knew how my life would go, turns out I didn't. I thought I would have had my first boyfriend by the age of 12, my first kiss by the time I was 13, married to the love of my life at 25 and with 2 kids at age 35 working as a full time fashion designer and living in a huge mansion.

I'm now 15 and and still have not yet had a boyfriend that has lasted over a week. Still not had my first kiss, and so far it doesn't look like the right boy will ever come around...

But it's not a surprise by that I am not one of the popular girls, I'm not the prettiest or the sportiest, or have any amazing talents I'm just me. Everyone says that one day I'll fine "the one" but all my friends are getting/ have boyfriends the now.

The next morning I just so happened to have school, unfortunately. Thank god my school dropped the whole school uniform thing a few years before I started though I couldn't stand to have to wear a school skirt with a blouse and there used to be an undeclared battle between the girls to see who had the most expensive bag or shoes and who had the best looking boyfriend. My mum and dad have split up so we don't really have that much money right now, I live with my mum but she's recently been sacked because her work is closing down.

I stay at my dad's house some weekends but y mum takes me for most of the time. So I can't afford all of the luxuries some of the other girls have.

But to be honest I don't really mind because I've never really like makeup and never really have the urge to but really expensive items before. I'm much more into playing Xbox with my best friend Oscar.

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