Welcome to the 657th

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An Amaran sat on a crate towards the back of a transport shuttle that was on its way to Dantooine where a battle was currently taking place, she was on her way to meet her new master. The council had been assigning Padawans to Jedi rather than allowing them to choose since the Clone Wars had begun, likely out of the need to replace the Jedi who had bee slain already... even a council member had died on Geonosis. So, it was certainly understandable and most Jedi had accepted this change.

Bursa had been assigned to the Jedi Knight, Fe-Fe Gos of Naboo to be trained. She was the General of the 657th Battalion, often called the Hornet's Nest as they were known well for using overwhelming offense as an impeccable defense. She would be the Commander of it soon enough due to her being a Jedi, something she certainly didn't mind, although she would wind up growing out of it soon enough... she knew war wasn't pretty, though she couldn't help to be excited.

Every step she took closer to being a Jedi on the field was a step closer to saving Him from the dark side, being able to reach him and maybe pull Him back into the light... she moved her hand to her hip, resting it on her curved hilt, the yellow crystal dwelling within it.

She smiled softly as the world came into view, the light freighter ship that had been dispatched with her and some supplies as well as a squad of clone commandos

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She smiled softly as the world came into view, the light freighter ship that had been dispatched with her and some supplies as well as a squad of clone commandos. This was a compact delivery, but a useful one with plenty of force that it would be adding to the front on Dantooine... to think, that her first time coming back to Dantooine since she'd been brought here to get her crystal would be to fight against an army of machines... they would pay for disgracing this place.

She looked around at the squad, most of the troopers were in full camouflage gear, one having marks along his arm, though beyond that none of the troopers seemed to hold any sort of personality. It made her rather pleased she'd be working with an ARC trooper as a Captain instead, though she didn't hold it against the commandos, with all they'd seen they had more of a right to be withdrawn than nearly any Jedi in existence.

So, out of politeness, she offered the squad a smile as she looked toward the hatch, the sounds of blaster fire filling the air, outside the windows hundreds of vulture droids, piloted fighters, and other ships whirred around, even Mace Windu's venerator could be seen alongside Gos's, it was hell out there, though the firefight going on on the ground below was no doubt just as bad, if not worse. Once more she glanced around at the troopers before sitting down and closing her eyes to meditate in the hopes of diverting any fire that came onto them.

Though as they slipped from the battlefield of the orbit into the battlefield of the land she realized nothing had come close to them... why would they just allow a ship to get through? That didn't make sense coming from a Separatist, weren't they just droids with a smattering of monsters and bankers among them? Then why... nevermind, it wasn't important, what mattered was them getting to the landing zone.

But, before long and without much difficulty they'd even managed that as well, it was astounding that those machines were such poor shots, that or the pilot was amazing at dodging oncoming fire. She decided she might as well give the pilot the credit instead of leaving it to luck or chance.

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