Buzzing Hornets

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As she turned to face the ARC trooper Captain of the 657th, a smile on her face as the rather intimidating man stared dead at her, taking off his helmet and holding it to his hip, a tattoo of a hornet on the side of his shaved head "It's a pleasure meeting ya ma'am. AC-435, Yellow Jacket, at your service." a mortar landed a few dozen feet behind him, the man didn't flinch a bit "Welcome to the 657th Hornet's Nest."

Bursa smiled and nodded, folding her arms under her chest "Bursa Lin Mai, of Amar. It's good to meet you too, Yellow Jacket." she then turned to face the front "Master Bos told me to come and join you, care to fill me in on what we'll be doing?"

He smirked and nodded as he began to explain "Yeah, sure." he then began to reply, making sure not to leave out any details "As I'm sure you know, Dantooine is sacred to the Jedi and it's equally important to the Republic. The Seps have been attacking the place for days now, but the 657th along with General WIndu and his men have managed to repel the attacks for the most part." he then carried on "Right now, this is one of their two great footholds on the planet, we're going to be taking that foothold, General Windu will be taking the other as we speak. So, to get our end of the bargain done, we're going to do what we do best, us Hornets are gonna overwhelm those droids with a crushing offensive. And with two Jedi, we'll have a lot fewer casualties too."

She stroked her chin, thinking over what he'd just told her and she had to admit, it was certainly sounding like fun to her, being able to destroy droids was actually quite enticing to a lover of nature like herself "Alright then Captain, then how about we get started, I'm dying for some action." she drew her saber and ignited the yellow blade, eager to turn robots into scrap piles

He smirked as he raised his helmet up and sat it down on his head, his phase I clone armor beautiful in the light, though she noticed some things rather unique to the man before her and those were the fact he was wearing both a Mandalorian jet pack and Mandalorian vambraces, evidently, he held on to his connection to Mandalore, even if he was a clone "Was trained on Mandalore as an experimental unit, earned these and this armor, it's made of Mandalorian Iron." he explained after he caught her looking 

"Oh, I see." she nodded before turning back to the horde of droids on the other side of the field "Well, shall we?" 

The clone who's face was now hidden in his armor nodded as he called out "Buzz buzz boys! I wanna see scrap metal!" he then charged forward, Bursa and the men of the 657th following behind him with their respective battle cries

They ran up the ramps and over the sides of the barricade walls, blue blaster bolts raining down from the Battalion as they forged ahead, not intending to let a single droid make it off-world. Soon the droids realized what was happening and began to return fire, the rather elite Battalion doing the job of dodging and avoiding blaster fire well enough. And as they got closer, Yellow Jacket took flight, firing his WESTARD-34's down on the droids from above, dropping several of the machines on his own before he let himself fall, crushing another B1 under him before rejoining the fray.

Bursa's saber was rapidly cutting through droids, her priority was the B2 super battle droids, knowing that their armor made them much harder for clones to handle with blasters alone. She wanted as few of her men dying as possible, so she did her very best to deflect bolts and take down the big threats on her own before they could prove dangerous to her men.

"Keep fighting damnit! We'll pull through and win, I guarantee it!" she called out as she cut down another B2 before sending its body back into a crowd of B1's, knocking them to the ground where the clones quickly fell upon them and reduced them to broken metal and wires

A number of loud shots were going off, Carpenter was resting back on the hill, lying on his back and peering through his scope as he sniped favored targets, snickering as he blew the head of another droid off of its shoulders "Boom, headshot ya damned clanka'." he turned his scope off into the horizon, dropping another droid as her began counting up just how many droids he could see, being sure to subtract one here and there

The tides truly began to turn as three AT-TE walkers painted black and yellow began to arrive, firing into the crowds of droids, massive explosions reducing entire columns of battle droids to little more than scrap in seconds. The walkers reinvigorated the offensive, causing the clones and Padawan to push forward far more aggressively than they had before, tearing through the machines without care or mercy, eyes burning with fire and the sounds of weapons... buzzing filled the air.

Within the day they had pushed the droids back to the edge, reaching the last of the machines and destroying them with incredible prejudice, laughing as they did. Then when it was done, Bursa looked back to the ones around her, smiling as she asked them "You men wanna go grab some drinks? There were a few crates of booze on the ship I came on."

Yellow Jacket walked beside her and shook his head "No, no drinking til we get back to town, the people there are sheltering us, so it'd be best not to come tumbling back drunk with our blasters off of safety." a small laugh escaped him as she shrugged and nodded in agreement, the commandos coming over to join the crowd

"Eh, fair enough, I suppose." she then looked around "Hmm, guess we'll just have to meet Master Fe-Fe there." she turned and began walking back

He nodded "Yeah, I suppose so."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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