Well thats not going to end well

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I would like to thank a commentator for this idea.

I hadn't been out of my room in days. The Avengers had tried to get me out but the skeletal bodyguards had quickly stopped that. They did however leave meals outside my door, which I still have no idea how they do since my guards will chase anyone away within 3 meters( about ten feet).

I sat on the floor watching a ticking clock with boredom. I can not believe that I, Loki have been reduced, to this.

Suddenly, Thor barged on almost knocking against me as I was sitting right by the door.
"What do you want? I asked lazily not even caring

Thor didn't speak but grabbed my arm and began to drag me out of my room. I tried to fight but I couldn't. Curse his strength.

After a couple of minutes of dragging me we were outside Odin's throne room. By this time I was trying to kick and punch but to no avail. He pushed me before Odin causing me to feel like a bug, with no control over my life. Is this how the mortals felt?

"I am realising that your imprisionment is having little effect so I have decided to send you to a stricter facility."
"Go change into some proper clothes, you will be going to Avengers tower and will be leaving at first light" My moth hung open like a fly trap, did he want me to die?

So, that's how I found myself standing in a room with the angry faces of the avengers looking at me with venom in their eyes. I decided that if I wanted to survive this I would have to swallow my pride, and apologise or try to at least.

The kid hadn't been down for days, no food or water. I was worried about him, really really worried.

A clash of thunder sounded outside an I jumped until I realised that it was Only Thor and that prick, Loki. Odin had decided that we were to keep him I have no idea what he's thinking. We're barely dealing with Nico, let alone adding another being with creepy powers.

Then I realised something. The cells in 
avengers tower just wasn't built for.  asgardians. If loki stayed with anyone on the team they would kill him. The only other choice was...Nico

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