New Student

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Anna and I made it back home at about 2:30 pm. We headed out to the backyard and worked on some training.

Obviously I'll get more at UA. As for right now though, Anna's helping me out the best she can. She and my parents have an Earth quirk. It makes them able to use the ground to fight. I am the only one out of us that didn't get it. I have Water. How I got it is a mystery to me. Technically water is part of the Earth. So I guess you could say I have somewhat of an Earth quirk. I just use water more than the ground.

With my quirk, I can take moisture from the air, and turn it to water. My emotions can also affect it. Such as, if I were to get angry, my water would boil, and it can even burn. When I get sad or scared it turns cold. If I get terrified it turns to ice.

I can also turn it to ice if I'm focused enough on what I am doing at the time. I have a 'Water Body' power as well. If I'm not careful enough with it, I will reach my limit. I can only turn half of my body to water, like my legs or arms. That's the one thing that Anna can't really help me out with. I have to wait for UA's training for that.

"Get your ass moving, Riley!" Anna said.

"Alright! Where do you want me?"

"Stand in front of me, but back up a couple of steps."

I nodded and did what she said.

"Good. We're going to work on your speed and flexibility." Anna said and got ready. I nodded and took a deep breath.

I got into my focus mode. Anna put her hands together and down to the ground.

"Dirt Golem!" she shouted.

A giant golem made out of grass and dirt appeared in front of me.

"You ready Riley? I'm gonna make it take a charge at you." Anna said.


"Dirt Golem attack!" Anna called out. It charged at me.

I smirked, I got this. Just as the Golem was about to attack with his right arm, "Water Slide!"

My body responded. It turned my legs into water and made it easy for me to slide right by it. Avoiding the attack.

To easy. Anna made the golem turn around and charge at me again. It was aiming low this time. Trying to make me not able to use my legs as a getaway. The golem swung its arm down at me, "Water Spring!"

My body responded again and sent me flying up and over. Landing me safely on the other side of it. Anna clapped.

"Impressive Riley. I can tell you're getting a bit better. Your reaction time is getting a lot better too." she said, I smiled.

"Thanks Anna."

"No problem. Now, let's work on defense. Just try to not use your 'Water Body' power."

I nodded and got ready. "Dirt Golem charge attack!" Anna said again. It responded to her voice right away. This time it charged with a much faster speed.

Don't panic Riley. You can do this. "Right." I said and got into my defense stance.

Focus Riley, you need to focus. My body instantly responded. I put my arms together, "Water Ice Shield!" They turned into a shield of ice and protected me from the blow.

The golem hit it, making me flinch. It was a bit harder of a blow then I thought it would be. The blow to my shield stung my arms a bit. It made me lose some focus. It started to melt.

"Don't lose focus, Riley!" Anna called out.

"I won't!"

I can't. I can't lose focus, or it's gonna melt completely.

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