Winter Love

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December has finally come and break was just three weeks away. School is still pretty brutal, I think it's just Aizawa testing us he knows we're getting impatient.

We've had more combat training, lately. I haven't used my wave move since that night on the beach, it was only huge because I was in the water.

I haven't gone outside much, the days and nights have become bitterly cold. I was laying on the couch reading, my book was yanked away.

"Hey!" I snapped.

"Really, Riley?" it was Rita.

"What? I love reading, give it back!"

She did, "Here, can you sit up? I wanna sit down."

"Sure, what's up?"

She sat down, "How are you doing? You know with the holidays and all?"

"I'm fine, just want winter break."

"Same, have you and Anna decided on what you're doing?"

I haven't told her about me going by Bakugou for Christmas...

I rubbed my neck, "I, uh am not technically going to be home this year for Christmas..."

She raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? What are you hiding!"

"I'm going by Bakugou's for it."

"Why didn't you tell me! When did this happen?"

"You remember when I went to the beach alone," she nodded. "That same night he asked me since Anna and I spend it alone," I said.

Silence lingered between us. She shot up from the couch, grabbing my shoulders.

"He's serious about you two!"

"I know! I do wanna meet his parents, please let go."

She did, "Aren't you nervous?"

"Of course! It's even worse knowing Anna's tagging along."

"Anna's going? Are they okay with that?"

I nodded, "He said she can, just didn't think she'd say yes. I wish she didn't..."

"Technically she's your, legal guardian."

"You don't get it, Rita! She still doesn't like Bakugou! I have a bad feeling they're going to argue."

"And how does he feel?"

"He doesn't care if she likes him or not, as long as I do."

"That's all that matters, Riley. If they argue stop them, but don't go crazy."

"I won't. Don't want to make a bad first impression."

She sat down, "When did you tell Anna?"

"Thanksgiving, it slipped out."

"Was she pissed?"

"She threw her food at me and a fork!"

Rita laughed, "Did you calm her down?"

"I had to, or else she would have kept at it."

"You're right, she doesn't like him."

"I think she's still mad."

She winked, "Mad at you for hiding it, or for having sex."

"Shut up, Rita! But yes, to both of them."

"Girl, you better watch yourself. I don't think you'd want his parents or Anna to catch you."

My cheeks burned, "Fuck no! Do you have any idea how bad that'd be."

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