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Tears were streaming down my face as everyone around me was staring. Most of them seem annoyed while others felt how I did.

"It was her fault that happened, she shouldn't have provoked him." I heard someone say.

"Oh I know, that kid's vicious. Especially when it comes to fighting." another person said.

"It was NOT her fault! We're you, idiots even watching?! HE provoked HER!" I snapped and everyone shot me a glare.

I fumed, "You're all idiots! Enjoy cheering for that ass!" I'm coming for you, sis!

I shot up out of my seat and tore my way through the audience. I pushed and shoved people out of my way to get to her, she needs me more than ever right now.

Fucking Bakugou! I should have known he'd say something like that to her!

I pushed and pushed and finally made it to a stair entrance. The sunlight hit my tear-streaked face as I ran to Recovery Girl. People were staring and giving me weird looks from every direction as I ran, I swear they think I'm crazy.

Just as I was about to reach the room, Deku and Uraraka were walking out.

"Deku! Uraraka! Over here!" I said breathlessly.

"Anna! Are you okay?" asked Uraraka as they came over.

I put my hand on my chest, my heart was racing it felt like it was about to pop out.

I doubled over, "I-I'm okay, j-just give me a second."

"Did you run all the way down here? How high were you in the stands?" asked Deku.

I took a breath and looked at them, "High enough, I had to shove my way through everyone. How's Riley doing?"

Nothing but silence from them, I started to cry again.

"Tell me she's okay guys!"

Uraraka gave a small smile, "She's doing well. Recovery Girl healed her up, but said she's going to have some nasty bruising."

Deku nodded, "Yeah. You should go in and see her Anna, but she is unconscious." I nodded and they left.

I made my way to Recovery Girl and knocked on the door, she opened it.

"If it isn't Anna! How are you, dear?" she asked.

I wiped my eyes, "Not good, Recovery Girl. C-can I see her?" she nodded and let me in.

I walked over to the bed she was on and my heart sank. Bruises covered her chest and half of her right side, even her forearms were bruised. Riley...

Recovery Girl came up next to me then.

"Your sister is one strong girl, Anna. If it wasn't for that final move she did, she could have died."

I turned to her, "It was that strong of a move? How?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I think it had something with her classmates, they were cheering on the whole time she was fighting."

I gave a small smile, "Maybe, she's always been strong though. It's just gotten better since she's been here."

"She has I've noticed myself but, I've never had to heal her up as much as I did today. Usually, it's her arms or legs."

"Oh... How bad is it then?"

She sighed, "Not as bad as you think. When she was brought to me, she didn't have any broken bones."

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