Best Young Flyers Competion

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Writers Note~

*Hi, I'm rlly new to this so sorry if my plot isn't the best or if sometimes I don't make sense but I will try really hard on this story, yes I know that in season nine appledash possibly is a cannon but anyways.....*

Rainbows P.O.V~

God. I can't believe I won, I mean a whole day spent with the Wonderbolts, what could be better, it gonna be so awesome. Pulling off that sonic rainboom was actually really cool and that part where I saved the Wonderbolts showed them my ability. Maybe they'll ask me to join them, I'm sure they're thinking about registering me right in.

Spitfires P.O.V~

Well, got to admit that little filly manage to save us all, even that sonic rainboom, she must have serious guts. Honestly it is kinda embarrassing, you know, that a filly saved the captain of the Wonderbolts. Eh, now I have to spend a day with a fan pony, I hope she isn't expecting to immediately get in to the Wonderbolts it takes more that one save to get in.

Rainbows P.O.V~

Rarity: oh, my, darling you can't simply go like that, this is the Wonderbolts your hanging out with what will then think?
"Ugh, Rarity, I doubt they'll give a flying feather about what I wear, we are athletes not fashionista's"
Rarity: Fine darling, whatever you say, bye
"Thanks anyway Rarity"
I flew off to the town square where we are meeting with the Wonderbolts, I saw them down below signing a few papers and posters and all that stuff you know. I saw them all there; Spitfire, Fleet Foot, Soarin, Lightning Streak, Silver Zoom and you know the rest. I individually looked at each one. One Stallion caught my eye. Soarin, He has a beautiful baby blue coat with green eyes staring directly right at me, His Dark navy blue hair glimmers in the sunlight.
I smiled specifically at him, he game me a smile back, it sent a weird warm shiver down my spine.
Spitfire: Ummmm U right there Dash?
I hadn't realised, I was staring at Soarin still, god, I was so embarrassed. I could feel myself blushing like crazy.
"Um, yeah" I replied in an un-sure tone
I don't know what it was about Soarin but I felt drawn to him, I constantly found my self staring at him like a creepy old Colt.
I've never felt like this and I don't know how I feel about it, whether i like the sensation or not.

We spent the whole day racing and flying and you know that stuff. I constantly felt awkward and uncomfortable near Soarin, I sometimes even found myself sweating near him. My flying was a bit stiff not wanting to stuff up my flying in front of my idols but I think I did well, i even beat a few of them during some races and relays, Ha I've never felt so happy. The day was reaching an end and it was getting dark, I gave my final goodbyes to all them and when it got to Soarin I have him a hug and he hugged me back. As cringe and sappy as it was I'm glad i did, we kept in close contact after that writing letters back and forth and so on. We never got the chance to actually meet up in person, being a Wonderbolts takes up a lot of time you know. But I remember, that day I went home with a big cheesy smile on my face. I couldn't sleep and All I thought about was him. I couldn't believe it' Me, Rainbow Dash, the only pony ever to perform a 'Sonic Rainboom' and the best flyer to come out of pony ville, feeling lovey dovey feeling over a stallion, was it was love, I couldn't be, I've never felt like this till now, what was it???

Soarin's P.O.V~

What did she do to me, i was stuck in her bright magenta eyes , her light blue coat with a beautiful rainbow mane draping down. I was baffled by such beauty. I couldn't stop smiling like a fool, I didn't know what it was but I knew I needed her, to see her again. I blushed every time i though about her. Everything about her stuns me. I slowly closed my eyelids thinking about her, with a smile on my face

*Hey guys, so this was my first chapter ever to write, if you could leave some comments on how to improve or even place some ideas down there I'd be really grateful anyways byeee*

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