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Soarin's P.O.V~

I got home at 12:40 am and I was exhausted, luckily I had a day off tomorrow. Even if I didn't I wouldn't go back. I was too tired and needed something to drink. It was dark and I couldn't see at all. I grabbed the first bottle I could see and tasted it. It was wine, not bad. Before I knew it I had finished the whole bottle, I felt extremely drunk. I was hesitant to whether I should write back to Rainbow but she's probably asleep by now, and that's what I want to do right now. But what if she's awake? Waiting for me? I immediately flew out of my house to hers. Am I insane? What am I doing? Oh well.

Rainbows P.O.V~

I heard a knock at my door. I was hesitant to go see who it was. Honestly, I am so tired right now part of me just told myself to ignore them, but then, what if it was important? I walked over saying: It better be something important!

I opened the door and to my surprise it was Soarin. Oh god, he caught me in a bad hour. I was a mess. He seemed tired as well though. No matter how tired, messy and worn out he looked, just seeing him made me tense inside, sending a chilling sensation all over my body, feeling aa tsunami of emotions overwhelming me.

Soarin: Are you just going to keep staring at me in shock or are you gonna let me in, haha

Ughhh. Was I that obvious. This has happened way too many times. I'm so embarrassed.

Rainbow: Nah, I have more important things to do than check out a stallion. Hahaha. Soarin: You're just embarrassed about the fact that I caught you staring at me. I mean, Soarin wasn't wrong. But I couldn't say that it'll just confuse things because we're friends. Good friends.

"Anyways. What brings you around here at like 1:30 in the morning" I said curiously Soarin: I don't even know. I just needed to see you, to hear you. *sorry this is really cringe*. "Oh" I didn't know why but I started blushing, "K, well. I've now blessed you with the sound of my voice that you so desperately needed to hear your welcome and bye" Soarin: C'mon Dashie, we both know you secretly want me here
"Bye Soarin, go get some sleep" I said slowly closing the door

Soarin's P.O.V~

Hmm. Was Rainbow seriously closing the door in my face? I placed my hoof in the way so she couldn't close the door. She looked up at me with her eyes shimmering from the reflection of the moon. I gave Rainbow a smirk.
"Aren't you gonna give me a good night's kiss?" I said. OMG, why did I just say that? I am an idiot. I mean, we've only kissed twice, and it was great but I'm sure Rainbow enjoyed it a lot less than I did. I immediately looked up and her and she just looked at me shocked and bushing after what I just said. I can't lie, she's the most beautiful mare in Equestria.           "Your beautiful" CRAPPPP. Why did I just say that. I guess alcohol makes you speak the truth

Rainbows P.O.V~

Okay yeah. Somethings wrong with Soarin. First with the kiss, then saying I'm beautiful? I mean, he does look messy and drunk. Immediately it came to me, alcohol makes you speak the truth without wanting too. I quickly changed my facial expression to shock and yet turning red.
"Soarin, your drunk, go home and rest.    
"Okay." He said reluctantly
I looked at him fly off. He turned around a flew back. Soarin: Would you like to meet up tomorrow at 4 pm to hang out? Without hesitation, I said, "yeah sure". He kissed me on the cheek and left. Where he kissed me tingled, I put my hoof up to go touch my cheek. I saw Soarin flying away. He turned around and winked at me, which by the way only made me feel more tingly on the inside. I walked back to my house, and I'm gonna be honest, I'm confused where this relationship is going. By now I've accepted the fact that I like him, but just the fear of my past. We had an amazing time at the G.G.G (Despite the fact that Rarity and Pinkie were spying on us) it was fun. I laid in bed confused and puzzled.

~The next day~

Soarin's P.O.V~

I woke up, not gonna lie, I had a slight headache. It was minor and I'm sure I could handle it. I walked steadily towards the kitchen, and then I realised what had happened the night before. God, I was drunk. I vividly remember what I said, now I wish I hadn't. I planned to meet Rainbow later today, ugh, it's gonna be so awkward, mostly because of what I said. Funnily, I meant to apologise for not completing my promises, but I forgot. I was going to see Rainbow at her house at 4 to hang out. I went back to my lonely bed, thinking about later today, mostly thinking about how weird and awkward it was going to be.

~Later that day~

Soarin's P.O.V~

I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm. Crap, how did I manage to sleep throughout the whole entire day? Wow, somethings wrong, I need to sleep more. OH. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I was meant to be at Rainbows house BY 4 pm. IT IS 4 pm right now, I hate being late, especially when it comes to her. Why now? Why today? I flew rapidly out of my house, the wind slapping me in the face as I forced through it. I was approaching Rainbows house. 4:10 pm, not bad. I knocked on the door while catching my breath. The door opened and Rainbow stepped outside, she didn't even try to look good today and yet I can feel my heart pounding and my hoofs trembling. Ugh, it was so awkward, mostly because of what happened last night. No one said anything, we just stood there uncomfortably looking at the ground.

*I Originally made this chapter and the next one that I'll be posting as one chapter but it was way too long like 2000 words, so I converted it into 2 chapters*

~1079 WORDS~

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