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Rainbows P.O.V~

Well. I have no idea what to say, like whether I mention what happened. Does he even remember? Omg, I hate silence like this.

"How you going?" I said, yay me, I just asked the most basic question known to earth. Congrats Rainbow Dash.                                                                                                                              Soarin: Good, how about you?                                "Good......" I replied, this is even more awkward than I thought.                                          Soarin: Wanna go up to the clouds or something?                                                                   " Yeah sure" I mean, at least he started talking.

We slowly flew above up into the clouds. Then as expected just sat there awkwardly.

Soarin: So.... About last night-                                                                                                                       I interrupted him, "Oh, you remember. I didn't know whether to mention it or not.                      Soarin:  Well yeah, I forgot to tell you something that I meant to say.

I don't know why but I expected Soarin to say something (god I never thought I would say this word) but I thought he would say something, Romantic? Don't ask why I thought that, I just did.  Soarin: I forgot to apologise that I couldn't write to you, I-It's a long story     "Why? Did you get busy drinking?" I asked                                                                                              Soarin: N-no. Well, Spitfire has the idea that you and I are a thing and-                                        "Oh, hahaha. Yeah and.." I let him continue his story                                                                              Soarin: Yeah well *chuckles*, when I said I was going to write you she got the wrong idea since it was hearts and hoof day and all. She wouldn't let me go home and kept me going and going and even put my job on the line if I left. She finally let me go at 12 am when hearts and hoofs day was over, obviously, I-I think she's jealous? I don't know, but she seems to get paranoid whenever we are together, it's really weird and disturbing since we've known each other since we were fillies.   
"I mean, I didn't say anything at the Grand Galloping Gala cause I didn't want to ruin the moment, but I saw spitfire spying on us. Yeah, I don't know what her deal is"

Soarin's P.O.V~

I glanced over to the corner of my eye only to see the devil herself flying towards Rainbow and me, it was Spitfire. What perfect timing.

Rainbow: Uhhh? Is that Spitfire? Why is she coming? " I don't know, nor do I care"
I stubbornly looked down pretending to be busy with something else and hoping that Spitfire will turn around and fly away. I mean she's jealous, I get it, but at first, I thought of it as a friendship thing but anything else, eww. I almost gagged

Rainbows P.O.V

I looked over at Soarin to see him looking anywhere but at Spitfire. He had one of those faces you would usually see on a 6-year-old who got a salad instead of Maccas for lunch.

"Hey Soar you ight there?" I said as I placed my hoof on his shoulder Soarin: Look down and pretend you didn't see her. "No, if we do we will totally look like scared losers, she's gonna come anyways we may as well see what she wants.
Soarin: B-but if- Spitfire: I see now what you choose to do with your free time, not that it's really free time, your missing practice right now at HQ. If your gonna waste time with someone at least waste it with someone worthwhile and with a name and future. Soarin: Oi, I will not have you talk to her like that, she's worth more than all of your gold medals! Spitfire: Awww Rainbow, got the boyfriend looking out for ya? "He's not my boyfriend and I don't need anyone looking out for me, you're probably just jealous about the fact that a young filly like me is almost about 20% cooler and faster than you"
Spitfire: Uh ha and that's why you're in the Wonderbolt right? Soarin: Leave her alone, she has nothing to do with this. Spitfire: "Oh, but she does, you could've spent your time with me, us. We could've been the most athletically successful couple team out there. Our future kids could've grown up with 2 Wonderbolt members and become the fastest in Equestria giving us a bigger name. But alas, you chose a dumb big-headed, day-dreaming young filly who thinks she's better than everyone!"
Wow, is that what she thinks of me, I don't really care, to be honest, the world is made up of two categories of people, winners or losers and I'm one of the winners. There is gonna be hate no matter what, I seem to use that hate as motivation as in my perspective every negative comment I receive I know that there is one more pony I need to prove wrong. Soarin: And you don't boast? And I am not ready for kids!

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