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Rainbowdash P.O.V~

I was flying away, Fast. Trying to find a way to save him, trying to keep quiet too.
It got dark, too dark to barely see. I hopped on the ground as I began running without a break to take breaths, I must keep going.
I heard something distantly, I heard muttering
Like someone was talking, I may be just imagining things but this may lead me to Spitfire and ThunderLane and I can give them a piece of my mind. But I knew even if I didn't find them, doing that would give away my spot.

Soarin's P.O.V~

I'm almost there, just a little more and.....
I was free, I picked the lock with a stick I found and unlock the lock. They taught us basic survival skills in one of my classes in high school. Turns out they were useful.
Now to find Rainbow and the others, I know there here Because Spitfire and Rainbow's ex told me some idiots came after me and that they were locked up. Rainbowdash can be pretty stubborn and once she wants something she doesn't rest until she achieves it. I'm also sure she didn't come here alone but I don't know who she brang but I know she's here.
Even though it hadn't been that long since I last saw her I miss her so much, and as cliche as it is. It's the truth. Honestly after she told me what happened with Thunder I have no feeling for him but anger, and even more anger that he would do this. I know for sure Rainbow would never want to se him again, but he obviously won't take no for an answer

* 3 hours later *

I've taken a break from running and am now walking hopelessly around in circle, every tunnel looks the same.
"Must find Rainbow" I thought, now matter even if I had to drag myself around, I was going to find her.
I swear when I finally see her I'm not letting go easily.
Turns and turns. It all looked the same until I heard a shuffle, some noise.
I turned the corner only peeking my head out not to expose my whole self and I was shocked. Blood began to boil and I felt my anger grown within seconds. I was confused at the situation but needed to know what was happening.

Rainbows P.O.V~

I was getting closer to the mumbling as I fiercely turned the corner ready to attack, no one. No one was there, just one in a million of those cave tunnels. I sighed and turned around to continue my search.
I turned around and out of nowhere he appeared. ThunderLane.
My throat got all dry and I began breathing heavily, being this close made me feel uncomfortable. Has he never he never heard of personal space? We were so close that our muzzles where a few millimeters away from touching.
I stepped back
ThunderLane: "How did you get out?"
"I found a way..." I replied
ThunerLane : "well, let me ask you this once again. What happened to us?"
Not this again, at this point he's acting as if he was the victim in all this and I am sick of it.
"You tell me, you must have very fond memories of that day" I replied
ThunderLane: "ugh Dashie, I already told you that it was a big misunderstanding. I know what I want now and it is you"
Is he serious, does he really think he can come to me whenever he feels like it, and treats me like a object?
"Cant say the same" I replied strongly
He began to move uncomfortably close to me as I stepped back more till I couldn't. I was trapped. Nervous. And he was still coming closer till my back was against the cave wall and his legs were against mine.
ThunderLane: "C'mon Dashie, I know you want this, I know you want me"
Being this close and uncomfortable I was speechless, I was numb. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there defencelessly.
Then it happened, suddenly. He reached out to me and firmly kissed me, my face turned red and I was numb. I felt so uncomfortable.
I was shocked but I knew I didn't like this.
It didn't feel the same as before, I don't feel the same happiness as I do with Soarin.
I was numb, but upset just standing there. I was standing there usless, I wanted to cry but I couldn't.
That's when I felt a force push us apart. It was Soarin, a wave of relief brushed me as I took a deep breathe and stood there processing what just happened.

Soarin: "What do you think your doing?"
Thunderlane: "Meh, taking back what's mine"
Soarin: "No wonder she doesn't want you, you treat her as if she's something to be won over, an object"
Thunderlane: "everything was fine until you came"

I felt helpless, it felt like all my emotions were drowned out of me and I couldn't do anything. I stood there staring at the ground, thinking. I just wanted to go home, I wish I never met Thunderlane.

Soarin: "Fine? You forcefully kissing someone is what you call 'fine'"
Thunderlane: "it wasn't forceful, I know she liked it. She just won't admit it because of embarrassment. I've know Dashie a lot longer, so back off"
Soarin: "you've know her longer? Well I seem to know her better"
Thunderlane: "leave, or your gonna regret it"
Soarin: "No" he responded harshly
Thunderlane: "fine, but it'll be unfortunate for your other friends"

He disappeared into the shadows, my lips were still tingling as I continued to just stand there in shock and process everything, I didn't manage to let out a word

"Thankyou...." I softly said, almost whispered
Soarin: "Don't thank me, anyone should've done the same thing in my situation"
"Still..." I took a breathe
"I've been so worried for you, I was searching for hours and I was worried that you'd possibly have gotten hurt"
Soarin: "so you missed me huh?" He said smirking looking down at me.
I felt my face flush red, I didn't respond.
Soarin: "We should get back to the others before Thunderlane does something he'll regret, c'mon"
"Yeah, let's hurry. I'm scared for their safety"

We went flying as it was both of our specialties and hoped to find them soon, right now it just led up to which turns we took and there wasn't much we as a team are unstoppable.

Word count: 1098

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