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The redhead raised an eyebrow and a smile grew on his face.

"Lovers mm I like the sound of that!" She said holding onto his arm tighter.

"Girl do you even know who you're talking to!" The girl said letting out a small chuckle.

"A womanizer and his hoe." The girl stood there speechless.

He pushed her away from himself and walked towards me.

"I'm not a womanizer lady." He grumbled hitting the top of my head.

I yelped out and looked past him. The lady seemed a little impatient.

"I think your girlfriends getting mad," I whispered out.

"She's not my girlfriend." He said smirking.

"Shes not then how com-"

"You wanna know what she is to me?"

I nodded my head confusedly tilting it to the side as he bent down a bit. My heart began to thump as his warm breath hit my ear.

"None of your business."

He backed away from me with a large grin on his face and I stood there with a pout.

The girl returned to him wrapped her arm around him again as she looked at me.

"Little girls like you should go back to there mommies you aren't ready to handle the big boys."

I stared at her in shock and a bit of anger as she turned away dragging the redhead along with her.

"I can handle him just fine old hag!" I called out before turning away and going back to my area.


She never finished her sentence I wasn't sure exactly what happened but the plane had grown silent. I quickly hurried over to the bed with his coat dragging along with me and flopped down on it. The fluffy coat sat on top of me as I heard footsteps scurry into the area.

"Y/N!" I groaned out and slowly turned to look behind me.

Bonney had come back and she was with the blonde.

"I'm going to go uh do stuff if you need me, don't look for me, I'll be back eventually. Me and this blondey need to have a little talk." She said giving me a cheerful smile.

"Um okay have fun... I guess.." I said as Bonney skipped away.

The blonde hair male followed behind her I guess she had finally got what she wanted. A small blush crept on my face as I realized what exactly she wanted. I quickly covered myself with his coat again to hide my embarrassment.

"Excuse me..." someone called out.

I took the coat off my head groaning again to look and see who it was this time. I stared confused at them till I realized it was the guy from the area beside us. He was friends with the redhead and that blonde boy.

"Hi," I said a little awkwardly.

"Hi." He replied back with the same awkwardness.

"This is a little weird to ask but is it okay if I stay here with them in there ya know..."

"Yea... its fine I wouldn't want to be there either. Wanna get some food so that we don't have to hear anything?"

He nodded his head in response and I got up off the couch and held out my hand.


"Heat." He replied returning the handshake.

Letting go of his hand we made our way down the hallway of course taking a left to avoid going past their area. A blush once again formed on my face thinking about that.

"So um Heat.," I mumbled catching his attention,

"Why are both your friend's womanizers?"

Heat looked at me for a moment in disbelief before he started to crack up.

"Killer is definitely not a womanizer your friend just has her way with words but I can't say much for Kid.. he's definitely a different story. We could be on a train for 30 minutes and we wouldn't see him till we get off and normally when we do he's with some woman."

"Oh my gosh so he's a super womanizer??"

Heat let out another loud laugh and nodded his head.

"I guess maybe he is but you didn't hear that from me."

I let out a small giggle and smiled.

He didn't seem to be that bad of a person. I mean none of them did but Heat didn't seem like a womanizer.

"Are you a womanizer too then?"

"No no no!" He said defending himself.

"There's no way I could ever do something like that. Too embarrassing to think about..." He replied covering his face.

"So how come the womanizer let me steal his coat?"

"I guess you just caught him in a good mood or something like that.. a really good mood too because that coats his pride.."

"Well, now its mine tell him to find a new one," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"And this is why he doesn't give his coat to women."

Eustass Kid x Reader ~High Class~Where stories live. Discover now