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The next morning I woke up to shifting on the bed. I groaned out annoyed as I felt a warmth begin to leave me. I tugged at whatever the warmth was and a small chuckle echoed throughout the room.

"What cant sleep without me?"

I could feel the smirk plastered on his face.

I let go of him and turned away growling slightly before turning to look back at the wall. His coat still drenched over me as I took a sneaky glance over at him. Kid stood in the middle of the room stretching.

"The planes gonna land soon so if you're done staring at me you'd better get ready."

This time I could see the smirk on his face.

"Yea thanks." I slowly sat up on the bed the coat sliding down onto my lap as I did.

Kid turned back to look at me and started to walk back to me. I felt my body tense up as he stopped in front of the bed and a small shiver go down my spine as he reached out.

He took his coat off the bed and swung it around his shoulders. It sat snuggly on him as the coat draped down his body.

"Hey!" I called out scrambling up off the bed.

"Listen, lady, you aren't keeping my coat so go get your own."

"I have a name yknow." I said huffing.

"Okay sweets." He said giving me a grin.

I rolled my eyes at that embarrassed and went over to sit on the couch.


My eyes drifted towards the entrance and Bonney ran inside with Killer following behind her.

"We're landing in 30 minutes hurry up! Oh hi Kid."

Kid let out a grunt and Bonney skipped over to me. Bonney engulfed me in a big hug as Killer walked over to Kid. A big grin grew on Kids face as he watched Killer.

"Did you hit that shit?" He asked staring over at Bonney.

Bonney's face lit up with a deep shade of red while Killer stumbled out his words.

"I-I why are you here?" Killer asked trying to avoid the question.

"Ah, the chic over there was feeling lonely and begged me to stay." Kid said with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"THAT'S BS!" I yelled glaring at him.

"But she chickened out-"

"WHAT!" Both Bonney and I yelled in sync.

"Don't you have places to be you weird womanizing pervert!" I shouted glaring at him.

"Yea she's right. Let's go Killer." Kid said gruffly.

Killer nodded his head and followed Kid out of the room.

"So uh..." Bonney let go of me and backed up a bit.

"I didn't do it with Kid!" I hissed out.

"Really I mean he was here and so were you so-"

"Shut up I know you did it with Killer!" Her face turned as pink as her hair and she covered her face embarrassed.

"Did you least get his number?"

"Yep!" She said out happily uncovering her face.

"We plan on meeting up eventually and hanging out but first we gotta go see everyone," Bonney said laughing.

"Yes, yes we do."

"Attention all passengers the plane will be landing in 5 minutes."

I looked at Bonney in shock and scrambled around the room to grab some clothes.

"You pack ill change!" I shouted before running out of the room to the washroom.

"Y/N!" I noticed Heat as I ran by him and I quickly stopped.

"Here take this." He handed me a small piece of paper and I opened it up.

"Let's keep in contact alright? Better hurry up." I nodded my head and giving him a smile I hurried over to the washrooms to get changed.

The plane had finally landed and we were walking through the airport carrying are bags behind us. Bonney had been on the phone with Killer ever since she left the plane talking and giggling as we walked. I hadn't seen Kid or them get off but it didn't matter to me. I'd be willing to hang around anyone but Kid.

We made it to the departure area and I could hear the loud laughter of one of our friends from far away.

"Shishishi they should be here any min- BONNEY!! Y/N!!"

My eyes drifted over to one of the gates to see one of our friends standing their excitedly. With a big grin on his face, he waved over at us as one of our other friends held him down.

"Luffy calm down!" Our friend growled out holding onto the back of his shirt.

"But Nami they're hereee!" He pouted trying to reach out at us.

Bonney finished her call and we headed over to them when we were close enough Nami let him go and we were tackled to the ground.

"Shishishi lets eat I'm hungry!"

Eustass Kid x Reader ~High Class~Where stories live. Discover now