Chapter 15

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A few days later Ali woke up to the smell of pancakes and eggs.

"Girls, breakfast," Dad called out.

Together Ali and Gabby scampered down for pancakes.

"Did you girls have sweet dreams?" Dad rubbed them both on the head, not noticing the chunks of dirt in Ali's hair.

"Only good dreams Dad. Ones with happy endings," Ali said.

"Me too." Gabby was blissfully unaware of the action that took place. Ali would fill her in someday but at five she was a bit young.


Ali found Gabby in her room after breakfast.

"Hi, Sis. Feel like playing in the yard?"

"Really Ali?

"Yeah. I think it's silly for my toys to collect dust on the shelf and I'll bring them out for both of us to play with."

"Why are you being so nice Ali?" Gabby asked.

"You're my sister, and I, um... love you. I'll still get mad at you a lot but deep down, I don't think you're that bad." Ali smiled and pulled toys off her shelf. The fairies didn't have to use the toys any longer but Ali still pulled down her favorites, Ultraman, Pippy, Owl, and Sandy the Ragdoll.


The girls were playing with the gang and having fun. They were sharing as they never had before and laughing so hard that Mrs. Britches had to close her window.

"I never liked Ultraman before but now he's my favorite," Gabby chirped. She had no idea that he carried her out of the forest.

"I think we should keep him in your room from now on."

"I'd like that Ali." Gabby looked over and noticed her Dad. "Hey, Daddy. Ali and I are playing together."

"I see that little ones. I was wondering why there was no bickering. I'm proud of you girls and just maybe you are realizing how lucky you are."

"Yeah, Dad. We're lucky but it's time for you to go inside and draw some more buildings," Ali said.

They played some more and another adult came along.

Ali was excited to see Mr. Wilkins. "Hello, as you can see Gabby is here." Ali swiped her forehead. "Quite the adventure."

"I knew you could handle it, Ali."

"What are you holding behind your back, Mr. Wilkins? Ali asked.

The twinkle in his eye had never been more bright. He revealed a doll in his hands and it was Merlin.

Fairy Magic: The Forest Wars of the Fairy Princess and the Goblin WitchWhere stories live. Discover now