Chapter 13

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Ultraman picked up a limp Gabby and threw her over his shoulders. He raced along with Ali clutching the magic wand in her hands. Over ant hills and through moss, they made their way to the yard – almost.

They encountered an enormous beast. It was Ali and Gabby's dog Theo and when you were twelve inches tall he was fearsome.

"Can you do something about this thing Ali?" Sandy the Ragdoll said. She and the other toys had enough drama and now the dog.

Theo in the oddest way seemed to realize what was going on. Being loyal to Gabby and Ali, rescuing was done without a thought. He splayed himself down and offered a ride. They were hesitant at first but then hopped on board and Theo raced to the yard. Ali held on to one of Theo's ears and Pippy on the other. Sandy the Ragdoll hung onto the hairs on his back as did Ultraman who was still holding on tight to Gabby.

"Ali, you must really love your sister," Pippy said as they sailed through the forest.

"I do and I just want her to get home safely so I can tell her so."

Goblins were trailing behind Theo and the gang but the lightness in the yard would stop them. They were almost there thanks to the swiftness of Theo. The dog stopped to sniff a bit as dogs do and this tested everyone's nerves but he got to the edge of the yard. Theo once again laid low so all could get off safely.

"Now what Ali?" Ultraman said as he gently laid Gabby on the soft grass when they arrived in the yard.

It was magical as the Fairy Queen descended on the yard. Merlin was right and she was beautiful beyond imagination. Her golden hair shined in the moonlight and the flecks of gold on her dress were spectacular. The goblins were not able to follow beyond the woods because there was light in the yard. Ali cried because she and her friends had been through so much but her sister was still in a trance.

"I must commend each one of you for your bravery. Ultraman, Pippy, Sandy the Ragdoll and Amos. Ali chose each one of you for your diverse talents and you didn't disappoint. More than anyone I have to thank you, Ali Bailey, because you started this dangerous quest for your sister. Sacrificing one's safety is courageous and not many are willing to do such a thing." The Goddess gave Ali a gentle hug.

"What now?" Ali asked.

"We are going to have to go into your house to reverse the spell. The Shadow Queen chose your sister because she has a vast imagination and I'm afraid if we wait any longer, the Shadow Queen will have gained enough strength to take her full form during daylight," The Goddess said.

"Then what would become of Gabby?"

"It's possible that she would be lost in a trance for eternity."

"That can't happen." Ali stomped her foot. "One thing confuses me."

"What's that Ali?" The Goddess asked.

"Why is this battle between you and the Shadow Queen happening in the first place?"

The Goddess bowed her head and sighed. "Years ago, when fairies walked with man, she was my sister. I loved her and she loved me, but a terrible tragedy struck and our parents were lost."

Ali wiped a tear away because she couldn't imagine the sorrow of losing both parents. Next time she saw her dad she would give him a huge hug.

"I was admittedly selfish because I took the throne leaving my sister angry. It was a job for one person so I took it. She was so mad that she began using her magical powers in bad ways. She was threatening men and that is not the way to use magic because it's meant to be a glorious gift. We battled for centuries and finally, I knew I had to protect mankind."

"What happened next?" Ali asked.

"I had no choice but to use my magic to banish my sister to the shadows. In doing this I was forced out of the physical world with the other fairies. We chose to occupy toys and here we are today."

"You mean that a fight with your sister caused all of this?"

"I'm afraid so Ali. I remember days when I loved my sister but she's evil now and the battle continues. Let's go inside so we can help Gabby and not let our feud cause any more damage."

Fairy Magic: The Forest Wars of the Fairy Princess and the Goblin WitchWhere stories live. Discover now