Chapter Seven - The Elven Libraries

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MALIN THRAX AND TEILO THREB made their way along the passages and stairwells of the Prime Tree. Malin led, staying in the shadows and using the secret ways known only to himself and a few select members of the Palace Guard. If these unholy creatures now infested the city. Who did he trust? Malin thought. How deep into the Elven way of life had these creatures managed to infiltrate? The focus of the earlier attack pointed towards someone with designs on the Empire. Malin could think of only one Elf who harboured such desires. Prince Dauld Oryxicus. The Prince was being denied the throne over his perceived involvement in his father's death. Had the Prince allied himself with these creatures? Was he behind the assault on those who had gathered in the room below? The attack which targeted his sister, Princess Meriol and the First Minister, had—with the death of Miran Dar—been a partial success. But with the Princess now hopefully out of the city—and seeking sanctuary in the outer world—they were on their way to warn the remaining members of the Council. The task was fraught with danger. The creatures ability to assume the form of their Elven friends and colleagues was a problem. Luckily the magic Malin possessed gave him an advantage in distinguishing friend from foe.

Malin approached a panel and pressed a small button that released a lock. He slid open the panel; just enough to view the dimly lit hallway beyond. Several Hunters guarded the corridor and the doorways leading off its length. Malin reached out with his magic and gently probed the occupants.

'The way ahead is clear,' he whispered to Teilo Threb.

In the shadows, the Spellcaster gave a sigh of relief.

Malin pushed aside the fascia and stepped into the light. Immediately the sentries swung towards him, weapons at the ready. Before any of them could utter a sound, Malin raised a finger to his lips, signalling for silence.

'Kearis,' Malin whispered to the nearest guard. 'Excuse our sudden unannounced appearance, but trouble as reared its ugly head. Is the Grand Commander in his rooms?'

Kearis Vunrul nodded. 'But Captain, what is the meaning–?'

Malin once again signalled for quiet. 'I will brief you shortly, but for now, I need to know if the Commander has received any visitors recently?'

Kearis shook his head.

'Good,' Malin murmured tuning to the others. 'Now seal off this corridor. Let no one in, no matter who they say they are. Do you understand? No one.'

The guards acknowledged the order and moved to carry it out.

Once satisfied, Malin and Teilo approached the entrance to the Commanders rooms. He rapped gently on the door.

After a few moments, a gruff voice called out. 'What is it at this time of night? It had better be important.'

Malin signed to Teilo Threb, who leant close to the door. 'It is Teilo, I am afraid I have news that cannot wait,' he called out.

There was movement from within and Malin readied himself.

The door opened wide and Halmar Quynn stood there clad in his night robes. 'What is it that–?' he started to say.

Malin pushed Halmar backwards, holding his blade at the Grand Commanders throat. At the same time, he let the magic do its work.

'What in the name of the Bael'Vanna,' Halmar Quynn spluttered.

Malin nodded towards Teilo. 'He is clear of the taint. My apologies Grand Commander I meant no harm.'

'You had better have a good explanation for this,' Halmar fumed.

Teilo Threb moved between them and held up a calming hand. 'There is my friend. The Captain speaks the truth; we mean no harm. We had to be sure.'

'Of what?' Halmar asked his anger still not abated. 'I think you had better explain yourselves.'

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