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Grayson stops the car parking in front of the very nice restaurant. I take a deep breath looking over at him "How do I look?" I ask taking my eyes down to my outfit, his eyes sparkle a little when he looks at me I feel a small smile run across my lips "You look great" he says losing his breath, my face heats up as I open the car door letting the breeze from the night hit my legs. He follows behind me opening the restaurant door leading me inside, he looks around the room trying to find Christopher. My only wish is that this dinner goes nicely and nothing bad happens.

A lady with a menu in her hand approaches us with a smile showing her white teeth "Hi, how may I help you?" She asks sweetly "Uhm we are here for a reservation under christopher" grayson speaks she nods "Right this way" she says walking to the back, we follow her as she leads us to the table where Christopher sits with his guards, ethan, and a few others. "Ahh hello" christopher says with joy in his eyes as he looks at me, grayson told me he has a thing for me I just really hope that isn't true. I sit down pushing myself in, grayson takes a seat next to me placing his hand on my thigh.

"So let's get down to business yeah?" Boss says folding his hands on the table cloth "I've had some ideas, I'm not sure how this will play out but then again I'm the boss so things go my way" graysons hand tightens around my leg, I squeeze my thighs together pressing my legs against his hand. Ethan and grayson make eye contact, almost like they are speaking to eachother without speaking "Ariana I would like to change your position" he begins I feel my heart sink "I do not want you with grayson anymore" grayson furrows his eyebrows whipping his head toward me "She is staying with me" he growls Christopher shakes his head "No no, she will be with me in my building from now on as my assistant" I shake my head not liking the sound of this, grayson let's me go sitting back in his chair.

"Why do I have to go with you, I'm happy where I'm at" I say confused he chuckles "Ariana my dear, you think you are in love. You aren't, you will get over him quickly trust me. Grayson son, I told you to not get involved with her you were supposed to teach her not make her catch feelings. Especially since you don't feel the same" his last few words makes my stomach drop, my mouth gets dry I lick my lips picking up the glass of wine in front of me taking a gulp "He does feel the same" I speak for him, he has to feel the same. He told me he loved me, he made me feel loved, he said he cared. "Grayson you feel the same right?" I ask my voice cracking slightly.

He looks over at me with tears in his eyes, I shake my head not believing this. "Grayson" my voice shakes he keeps his head down, this doesn't make sense to me when it's just us he is different. "You lied" I raise my voice pushing my chair out he grabs my arm in his hand holding it with a grip "If you don't feel the same why do you want me to stay?" I ask with tears in my eyes "Ariana, he is heartless. He will tell you anything you want to hear just to keep you by his side. That's what broken people do" Christopher says softly I roll my eyes at him scoffing, I look over to Ethan with hope in my eyes. Hope that he will say this is all a lie, I know my brother and he does care. But he doesnt he stays silent with his head down.

I yank my arm out of grayson's grip storming out of the restaurant. He runs after me grabbing my shoulder "Why did you lie to me?" I scream with warm tears running down my cold cheeks "I didn't lie" he says lowly clenching his jaw "Yes you did, you don't love me. You like the sex, the attention, the fact that I do everything for you and more even when you treat me like a fucking piece of shit!" I shout catching some people's attention walking past "You never cared did you" I mumble looking down at the pavement, he sighs "I care, just not enough. I love you, but I'm not in love with you" his words hit me in the chest like a knife. All this time I've been thinking he actually felt the same, but no he was just telling me what I wanted to hear so I would stay.

"All these months, I've been trying so hard to get you to love me. To get you to feel the same, and treat me like I matter. Once I finally feel like I was starting to get somewhere, it all comes crashing down to my feet" I murmur wiping away my tears "Do you even want to be with me?" I ask feeling my eyes get heavy with tears again, he shrugs putting his hands in his pockets "Ariana, I'm fucked up. I've been like this my whole life, you are still young are you sure I'm what you want to be with" he says in a confused tone, I scoff smacking my lips together he is kidding right. I'm not a child, I know what I want. I've known that I wanted him for months now, he has been leading me on "Grayson, I knew I wanted you the first time we kissed. I lied to myself for weeks telling myself I didn't want you because all you ever do is hurt me".

I press my lips together looking at his pale face, trying to find something. I guess I'm looking for something that isn't there though, sympathy, love, care. He has none of that, I've been trying to find it in him for months because I didn't want to believe he was heartless. I still don't believe he is heartless, he just uses his heart less. I put my head down looking at my feet "I know what I want, you don't. You are breaking my heart because you are unsure of your own feelings and honestly that is fucked up grayson" I sniffle wrapping my arms around myself, he stays quiet not saying anything "So what's happening?" I ask lifting my head up "What do you want?" He asks, I lick my dry lips "I want you, but I can't have that so what does that leave us as? Friends?" I furrow my eyebrows not understanding any of this.

Earlier he was all about me, all over me showering me in love and affection or so what I thought was love and affection. I don't even know why I'm mad, we only became official not that long ago. "Ariana I honestly don't know what to say, I'm sorry I really am I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for bringing you into this, I'm sorry for making you do things you didn't want to. I'm sorry for everything, if this is going to be my last time seeing you I don't want to end this on bad terms" he speaks fluently, all the words slip past his lips so easily. I don't even know what is a lie or not when it comes to him anymore. He has been lying to me all this time, I really wish I would've known this was going to happen months ago.

"How do you expect us to leave eachother on good terms?" My voice cracks, I'm so weak for him and it's sad. I know when I walk away from this I'll break down "How do you expect me to move on from you?" Tears fall down my face rapidly, he sighs stepping closer to me putting his hand on my face. I flinch shutting my eyes as tears continue to pour down my cheeks "Forget me, please. I put you through so much and I don't want you to ever think about me" he softly says, his embrace used to make me feel so comfortable and safe. Now his touch feels so cold and bitter "Take care of yourself ari" he presses his lips on mine before walking back in the restaurant. I watch him walk away from me, my heart sinks in my chest.

I press my lips together remembering the feeling of his warm lips against mine. I was so blind for months, I never realized that everything he did, everything he said, was only to keep me around for his needs. Love is such a act of violence, it's blinding, it's the best and worst feeling in the world. I could never forget him, I'll always carry a piece of him with me. I could only hope that he would do the same for me, I turn on my heel walking down the dark sidewalk. He is a evil man, who enjoys the color red. Red is the color for love, not in his eyes though in his eyes it's for lust and death. I could only wish him the best, I pray he learns how to love. I hope his next gets treated right, and I hope she is never introduced to the red room.

This is the last chapter, I hope you all enjoyed this book. I'm sorry its ending like this I wish it could be better.

Much love faith

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