10. the date

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The days that followed the sports festival were great. I was kinda treated like royalty by the other first years, even the ones in my class. Bakugou had been less explosive recently but was still the arrogant ass he always was. I have found over time that it was just his way of doing things and there was no point in trying to change that. The weekend couldn't come soon enough. What should I wear though? I wanted to impress him but I also didn't want to make it too obvious that I was trying as hard as I was. I settled with just a plain black t-shirt, ripped jeans, and combat boots. I put my hair in (fave hairstyle) and applied just a little mascara. Looking myself over in the mirror I was content with the look, not too fancy but not too slobbish ether. I did a light jog to the park and made it just as it turned to noon.

"So you actually showed up?"

"Yeah of course I did. So what's the plan for today?"

"Nothing much, I figured you might want to lay low with your new-found popularity."

"Oh yeah, of course! Umm sorry about that by the way, I kinda wish people would stop treating me differently than they did before I won. Nothing has changed about me I'm still the same person."

"Yeah but you are now on the track to becoming the number one hero."

"But honestly I don't want to be. The only reason I even made it to the final part was because Ojiro forfeited if he hadn't then you would have gotten further in the competition than me. I think the whole thing is stupid, if you judge a fish by the way it can climb a tree then it will go it's whole life thinking it's stupid. The sports festival is the same, some of those people could have easily beaten me in a straight race or test of strength but just because I excel in hand to hand combat I won, it's not fair." Shinso was looking at me with wide eyes. "Sorry! I talk a lot sometimes."

"I agree with you. It's just surprising to know someone thinks the same." he smiled at me and we continued our walk I was just following him at this point not really caring where we were going. "Did you know that Eraserhead offered to special train me?"

"What! Seriously! That's so awesome!"

"You really think so?"

"Yeah Aizawa sensei is a good teacher, I think it'll do you good to train with him. That and he's a specialist in hand to hand combat. I've seen him take on villains, even when he really didn't even stand a chance. He really is amazing."

"Do I have to start worrying about losing my girl to him?" what his girl?!

"Oh please! Aizawa isn't my type anyway."

"Is that so? what is then?" boom I got ya.

"Oh, ya know tall, tiered, purple hair and eyes, an amazing brainwashing quirk..." I looked at his face to see him blushing and looking down to the ground. I was surprised with myself that I was being so honest and confident. I had never been on a date before and so far I am really liking this. I saw a small stick on the ground and instantly got an idea. I grabbed it and held it in front of Shinso.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"Hold it."

"Why?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Just do it please." he grabbed a hold of the other end of the stick, I held onto the other end and then began swinging in gently as I walked again at his side.

"So why are we doing this?"

"Because I can't hold your hand so this is the next best thing." he looked at were our hands met the stick and began laughing. "Hey don't laugh it's the best idea I could come up with!"

Cant Counter love( Hitoshi Shinso x reader)Where stories live. Discover now