I Hate Green Day

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I had a strange past with a Australia . I had an Australian boyfriend but tht went down hill and i recognized it clearly. From my Ex boyfriend i could tell australians are all very humble and filled with life
They all are special in their own way.

Hello michael i am macy and thank you for joining me here kn this lovely enviroment spreading my arms open and gesturing to the garbage filled shady grass area with benches

He listened to me and started to chuckle
Oh i like you already he said
While poking at his pizza
And oh did i feel myself blush something i hadn't done in a long time
Fucking hormones

I mean the boy was gorgeous
Met all of my standards in a guy
Tall,white,with green brown eyes,
Although i had never imagined the ideal hair but the red hard sticking out that ball cap was sufficient enough and it was sold.
Then i had realized it had probbably been five minuites at me staring down at my food and thinking about him.
I felt him poke me on the shoulder
"are you contemplating about what you're life is like now after the amazing michael clifford came into your life"
"Oh yeah" i said with amusment
"Mhm you are very lucky young lady" saying in a stupid posh accent
"Maybe i am" i smiled
"Oh and by the way i really like your shirt, yes this is my way of leading to another subject im new to this talking to people thing"

Besides his physique i really liked the way he dressed was like he was expressing himself in his own way
"Metallica is such a good band"
I told him and his eyes brightened
"Really! I know right the music that they make with the guitar
Is something i could never make its genius."
"Wait you play?"
"Yeah i play guitar"he said with all the confidence in the world in his face
"Oh cool im learning but i can sing"
"Me too"

He looked down for a seccond and looked back up
"Sing to me Macy" he said shyly
"I dont think so i might sound like a dying walrus and i have never sang outside of my shower" i chuckled
"Then lets go take a shower then" he said with a smirk
"Oooooh kinky Mr.Clifford" i winked
I didnt know where all tjis confidence was coming from just sitting with my legs crossed in front of this guy made me feel like my normal sarcastic self
"Okay then well shower someday because i really want to hear you sing"
"I accept your proposition Mikey, not about the shower part though ." He chuckled
"Shall we eat now"
"We shall"
I would talk to the lunch lady Mrs.Augustus, at times her being a little old lady and being a misfit she would always say
Someone will come your way in this hell i promise
She understood.
And benefits of knowing her were the cute little fortune cookie
Quotes that she would give me and the good hot food unlike the cold stored one i had a connection!
Michael started to eat his now cold dry slice of pizza and he made a face
I started laughing now
He spit it out and i handed him one of the two that i had and he received it like a little kid on christmas
We were now sitting next to each other side to side and he put his head on the crook of my neck and we just stayed there both of us chewing on our pizzas.
"Do you like Green Day?"
He asked with a mouth full
"No they suck,and stop talking with your mouth full did your mother not teach you any manners"
I loved green day i just wanted to mess with him to see if he was not like most people who would take a joke
"GET OUT NOW"He was pushing me softly as to get me out but i just bust into a fit of laughter
"Whats so funny"
"Im kidding i love green day you noob"
"Oh good"
"Now shall we finish up"
"We shall ma lady"
"Its only been thirty minuets but i feel like this is the start of a beautiful friendship"
He fake sobbed and wrapped an arm dramatically resting his head on my shoulder
"Yes it is".

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