Chapter three: The Dream

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You were in a grass field looking at the kingdom your arms wrapped around someone since you were on a horse. The field was vast and beautiful you and the person you were riding with got off of the horse. You looked to see who it was and what you saw you had never dreamed of before. It was the prince the prince you were unable to have. He was wearing the clothes that you had made him today. He looked quite dashing in gold and light blue. "I figured you would like to get out of the kingdom for a little bit to see where I disappear to everyday in the evening. I hope you like it." shoto told you looking down at you. "Its wonderful" you smiled and looked at the amazing sight before you.

"I figured that I could tell you something here that I thought that you would want to hear from me." he said "and what is that?" you asked looking up at him a gleam in your eyes that shot himself was falling for. He loved seeing you smile and laugh it made him happy. But right now he had to deliver news to you that he will commit treason if he told you and he thought that it was worth it so that you didn't have to live this way any longer so that when the time comes that this isn't a shock to you and force you into a life that you didn't want. He opened his mouth to say something and you were waiting patiently for the news he was going to tell you.

Was he going to tell you that he felt the same way that you did? was he going to tell you that he wanted you to run away with him? was your dream going to come true? But i'm sorry you were not going to get that comfort you were going to get something that you never wanted to hear. "Your life has been a lie. You need to run from this place." he said but it wasn't his voice it was someone else's. And you turned to the prince once again and it wasn't him. It was a curtain ash blond who hated wearing shirts. You gasped when you saw his face for the very first time and you knew right then that you fell even more in love with a man who wasn't even real. Or was he?

You woke up right then and there it was just a dream right? No big deal yeah really no big deal. But it really was strange you only saw the man once a month so why did you see him twice in one day? And why was shoto in your dream? So many questions were running through your head that you didn't hear your mother asking if you were ok.

"(y/n) I asked you a question are you ok?" she asked you sitting in front of you pausing her work. "Yeah mom i'm fine I just had a weird dream that's all." you told her because that is all it was just a weird dream that you had. Nothing more nothing less.

"Alright well in that case lets get you washed up for dinner your father is coming home tonight with the king" your mother said. You only nodded and got off of the bed "so are we going to start having dinner with the king again or only father?'" you asked washing your face with the bowl of water that was in your room "well considering that the king is coming home with your father from the war I would say yes" your mother said washing her hands while you went into the closet. "Well then in that case we have to look extremely nice dont we?" you asked pulling out a dress that you had made yourself "that we do" your mother smiled

In about and hour you had washed up and gotten ready now waiting for your father to ride into the castle with the king. The princes and princess walked out of the castle and waited with you. They were wearing the dresses that your mother made them. You smiled at the thought.

Soon your father had appeared riding next to the king with an army riding behind them they had just returned from the war. You had been worried for these past couple of months. So you were relieved when you saw your father unharmed from the war.

All of the princes along with the princess smiled when they saw the king ride in also unharmed. All but one, your prince shoto did not smile instead he looked disappointed and his eyes were filled with hatred. You looked over at him wondering why maybe one day he would come to trust you to the point that he would tell you. You hoped that he would one day.

When your father and the king stopped in front of the castle and got off you had to restrain yourself. Yes you hadn't seen him in months but you did not want to ruin his image to the king. You had to wait until he agnolaged you to hug him as close as possible and cry happy tears. Your mother on the other hand was shaking with delight and was already crying in pure delight that her husband had made it home to her and you.

"Welcome home father." the princess said kindly and blowed in respect just like the others as he passed. King endeavor didn't say a thing he didn't even say hello to his beloved daughter and just walked into the castle. Shoto was fuming with rage once he did that and glared at him when his back was turned. You looked at him wondering what was going through his head.

Your father walked to you and your mother and you smiled "welcome home father." you smiled your hand were folded in front of you respectfully. "Welcome home my wonderful husband" your mother chimed happily as if all of the worries that she had been having for the last couple months had just faded away. Your father looked at you both proud of both of you you were showing restraint and poise like he had taught you all those months ago. "Yes it is good to be home." he smiled and pulled you both into a giant hug that was filled with longing and hopefulness. You both hugged him back both smiling and crying that he was home.

Shoto watched you three jealous of what you had. He wanted to be held like that to have a family that supports him and wants him to be happy. Oh how he longed to be like that in your arms experiencing your warmth he had also fallen for you in those madder of those hours that you and him had been talking. Ever since then he couldn't get you out of his head. He always liked you even when you didn't talk. How you were so focused when you worked. How you bite your lip when something went wrong and you tried to hold yourself back from talking and complaining. He watched you his once icy cold gaze melting into a warm one that was filled with happiness for you. His father never hugged him or showed him love he barely saw his father at all.

Your father let go of you two. "Come let us celebrate with a feast!" your father smiled as you both let go of him. Both of you nodded each of you taking one of his hands and walking inside letting the princess and the princes go first of course. All of you went to the dining room and sat down the king at the head of the table. Your father sitting next to him to his left.

Dinner was served by some other servants and all of you waited for the ok from the king to start eating. Shoto was sitting next to you on your right and your mother on your left next to your father. The food looked amazing it had been ages since all of you had come together to eat and talk as if everything was normal in the world.

King endeavor stood up and held his wine in the air "I propose a toast to the win of the war against the land of dragons and their people! Those beasts have been brought down from their years of taking our crops and taking our live stock. My leading general by my side during all battles saving my life numerous times. To my son shoto for taking care of the kingdom while I was gone I have gotten word that the kingdom has prospered over his rule. To the generals family for staying by the royals side no matter what over the years." he finished his speech and all of you lifted your glasses then drank. The king sat down "now you may eat" he announced

After dinner all of you retreated to your rooms for bed. There were footsteps behind you then a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see shoto "yes my prince" you smiled "I hope you enjoyed the dinner tonight" he said to you starting off the conversation "well yes I did thank you I hope you enjoyed it to. How may I help you?" you asked folding your hands in front of him.

His expression was void with no emotion. "Yes I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on a horse ride tomorrow?" he asked you

The image of you holding onto shoto in the field on horseback filled your mind. "Yes I would love to" you smiled you knew something was going to happen deep down but what? What was going to happen that would lead your whole life to be a lie?

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