chapter five: The Cave

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You almost forgot about the question that he asked you since you were staring at him. So forgive yourself for answering late. "I don't know. It just seemed like the dragon was telling me to." you explained and it was true. You really did feel as if the dragon told you with just one look in his eyes that you needed to fly with him. His red eyes softened only a little bit "next time find your own dragon this one is taken!" he growled

At this time shoto nodded "he is right (y/n) you shouldn't have done that what if you had fallen off and then died?" he asked concerned for your health "Then the Flicker would catch me in my free time at the castle I read about these beautiful creatures and they would never let someone that they were allowing to ride fall off and die. It's just not their way." you shrugged confident.

The dual haired prince just looked at you he could have lost you the first and only person to show him any kindness since.... Well his mother. He cared for you so much already and he would protect you at any cost even if it meant giving his life for you. The ash blonde on the other hand was finding it hard to not like you. One, you had the nerve to actually stick up for yourself and what he was calling your boyfriend for now, second, his dragon actually let you touch him which took him months non the less ride flicker. So please forgive him when he will steal you from that stupid prince who called himself your protector, you know why? Because he had started to fall for you and all it took was a word.

The sun had started to set and you and shoto were exhausted from the trip. Not to mention your horses who had been carrying you both all day. The teen who told you to call him katsuki offered for you to stay in his cave. You thanked him smiling and yawning as you did so you couldn't get the feeling of being in the air out of your hair oh how you missed that feeling already.

The three of you headed deeper into the field katsuki lead you and shoto on his dragon flying relatively slowly so that you and the prince could keep up with him. "I don't trust this guy." shoto said in a hushed voice to make sure that katsuki didn't hear him. "What why not?" you asked giving him a look. "I just don't one he threatened to burn us into a crisp, two, do I need to mention that the guy has a dragon and lives in a cave?" he asked you shook your head. "No I don't sure we had a rough start but did you see the way that his eyes softened once I explained the reasoning why? Also just because he lives in a cave does not mean that he is a bad person, it's probably just because of flicker. Dragons like to live in castles or caves, were they can keep gold. I trust him plus do you want to sleep in the cold tonight in the middle of the woods were we can get beat up or worse. Instead now we are being protected." you smiled you had pretty good reasons but no matter what you said shoto didn't like katsuki. He almost felt as if he was a threat.

Pretty soon you saw a mountain in the distance you smiled and started to ride faster leaving shoto you in the dust. He started to ride after you, katsuki also flying a little faster well flicker was the one flying not him. Time seemed to fl by after that since you had to ride on the mountain trail on your horse and the air was getting thicker soon feeling the silky air that you just loved. You two soon made it to the cave and it was gigantic the inside cosy like a home everything having just enough room apart so that the dragon could walk by and lay down on his bed of gold and jewels.

You smiled as you tied up your horse and walked inside. Katsuki had been waiting for you both his cape off since he was home. Shoto walked behind you bored and annoyed at the same time. He wasn't comfortable here this adventure was supposed to be just for you and him until all of the sudden this guy appeared out of thin air and changed his plans. And the way that you looked at him disgusted him. It was as if he didn't need to work for your affecting it was like as soon as you saw katsuki you instantly fell for him. Shoto worked for years to try and get you to at least talk to him. Worst of all, he didn't say a word to you all of those years and he fell for you. It wasn't fair all he wanted was an adventure with you now it was ruined all by him.

Katsuki saw you both walking in and gave you a smirk. "Welcome to my den of comfort." he told you looking at you and not at shoto he was trying to make it seem like he wasn't even there. Shoto gave the blond a cold and hard stare. You didn't notice any of this happening and just looked around interested in everything. You were careful not to touch the gold and jewels that flicker was currently sleeping on.

The place was roomy having makeshift rugs out of animal skins, there was a pit in the center for fires, there were two beds by the pit that you assumed was for you and shoto. "Thank you for letting us stay here" you said and beamed at katsuki. He nodded. "it's not much but it's somewhere to stay," he said looking at you. "Well surely this place is like home right?" you asked he only shook his head shoto leaning against the wall his arms crossed listening to the conversation "well no the sky is my home but im sure you understand that after today" he asked raising an eyebrow. You nodded "yes i completely understand it's just the warmth of the air encasing you just makes you feel like that is where you are meant to be" you smiled

Katsuki started to make dinner and you and shoto just relaxed. Enjoying your time with each other. The two of you trying to make a plan of were you guys are going to go. "So where are you from?" katsuki asked interrupting you both "were from kingdom academia" you relied. His gaze hardening shoto looked at him "you have a problem with that?" shoto asked him. "Yeah I do your king is what destroyed my home and burned it to pieces" katsuki growled you looked at the two you felt torn between two worlds one used to be your home with your family there and a king that you loved and was like a second father to you. But also the world that your heart always longed for you were sad to hear that it was destroyed by your king.

"Well I hope you know we are never going back" you told katsuki "yeah i'm glad to hear that but I don't know about the prince over there. He seems just like his father" he growled and before you knew it, you felt that sooner or later you would have to choose between the two. You didn't know if you were ready for that though because you already loved them both dearly.

And so began the fight for your love and affection.

N/A: hello guys I am so sorry for not updating my life has been really hecktick with the holidays and I didn't have time. but I promise that I will start finding time to write and give you guys the story that I have promised you. So I will see you in the next chapter. 

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