chapter eight: the flight

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You had been flying from an hour and decided to call it a night. You and flicker landed in a large grassy field and you hopped off of the dragon. The tears had finally stopped falling but you still felt sad and stressed. Shoto was calm and thought things through, katsuki well he was a different story but both in love with you. You were also in love with both of them. Except right now you felt more love for shoto then you did for katsuki because he actually told you how he felt and why he kept those things from you.

You sat on the grass the dragon laying down behind you wrapping his tail and a wing around you to keep you warm. It was chilly tonight signally that fall is coming soon if not then it was there already. You leaned back against the dragons scales he was warm and felt soft. That was probably the exhaustion talking. You couldn't remember the last time that you had slept and it was long past midnight. You found yourself closing your eyes and placing your head on the dragon's tail using him as a bed. "Good night flicker" you sighed as you slipped away into a bliss filled sleep.

Flicker watched out for you as you slept. He had slept enough back at the cave to where he could stay up and watch over you. He was going to protect you and take his princess wherever she needed to go. It was his job to protect the royal family and he was going to do that. Katsuki had found him on the battlegrounds when he was walking through. He found him with a spear in his tail and barely alive. The teen took care of him until he got better then one thing led to another and he was his dragon. He had it alright it was nothing like living in the castle but he wasn't so lonely. Sure his owner was loud and didn't like shirts for some reason but he liked him. He gave him his own pile of gold and jewels to sleep on to! So needless to say things were looking up for him!

Katuski grabbed one of the horses yours in particular, hopped on, and headed down the mountain trail. Once he was down there he made the horse walk to where shoto was it took him a little while dodging tree branches and such. Once he found the prince he got off of the horse and walked to the dual haired boy. He surely looked dead katsuki smirked down at him "oh if only there was a reason to why you committed suiside" he said as if joking around "stupid prince!" his face turned dead serious. He walked away to the horse and hopped on the horse and flicked on the reins making the horse run he was going to find you.

Maybe about an hour or two of the ash blonde leaving a group of the walked by seeing the prince lying there. One looked to be a knight, he had navy blue to almost black hair, glasses, and looked as if he was the smartest guy in the forest. The other one to his left looked to be some kind of sorcerous, she wore a pink dress with some brown boots along with a cute witch hat, she held a staff that she was currently using as a cane, she had short brown hair that was longer around her face, she had soft eyes that looked like she would never hurt anyone, over all she just seemed like a kind person. The boy in the middle had green hair, he just looked like a traveler trying to see the world, he had green eyes to match his hair. He had a satchel along with a book that was currently in his hands, he also looked like a kind soul. Over all these guys looked really nice.

When they saw the prince lying there they went to his aid. "What do you think happened?" the one in pink asked feeling bad for the boy. "He looks really hurt." the green haired one said "ok guys lets stay calm here we just saw a stranger laying here not seeming to wake up! We can handle this!" the knight said seeming like some kind of leader. The other two nodded as the green haired one checked his pulse. "He is still alive, he's just unconscious but what could have happened?"

"We can find out what happened when he wakes up until then let's start making camp!" the knight stated "alright this is a good place anyway I'll make a fire!" the sourserous said doing a spell to make a fire and some tents.

The knight carried shoto over by the fire and the green one who looked like a piece of broccoli helped him. He felt the back of the prince's head and felt a bump he went into his satchel and pulled out some bandages he wrapped the soft fabric around his head and made sure that it was done tight but not too tight so he didn't hurt him. He also got out some water and lifted his head and made him drink it. After that he set his head back on the ground and went to the fire to have some dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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