Chapter three: The ride

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"Great meet me at the horse stables tomorrow at dawn," he started off "now if you excuse me I'm going to get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." he finished and started to walk away. "Good night my prince you said and curtsied then walked away to you and your parents room. As soon as your head hit the pillow you were out cold however you didn't dream that night all you had was pitch black.

You woke up in the morning and automatically smiled your parents were already up and taking the day off as well. All three of you needed it and they needed some alone time so that they could catch up. You just desperately needed something fun to do. You told your parents about what you were doing today and they smiled. "Go on go have fun don't keep the prince waiting" your father told you as you ran into the bathroom to change into something more comfortable.

You soon met the burnt prince at the stables like he told you to do. One white horse and one black horse awaited you. The prince on tending to the white horse "good morning I trust you slept well?" he asked you "yes I did and I hope you did as well." you smiled as you pet the raven haired horse. "Well then let us start our adventure" the prince smiled and got onto his horse and you got on yours.

Both of you rode out of the kingdom the prince was quiet the whole time and focused. It seemed like he was hiding something well then again he always looked like that it was kind of his signature look. The two of you stopped at a river to give the horses a break. You hopped off of your horse still a smile on your face that never seemed to falter. You sat down on the soft grass and so did shoto. Letting the horses drink and eat some grass. "This is amazing ive never really been out of the castle before" you smiled and looked at the prince. He raised an eyebrow "your telling me you have never been out of that castle not even with your father?" he asked you leaning back. You shook your head "not even once I only got to see it from the windows on top of the tallest tower" you said. "You never thought of running away?" he asked "well yes a couple times." you started to explain "then why didn't you?" shoto asked cutting you off "yes i want this i want adventure but I have my family in the castle and that is really all I need don't you think?" you asked him

He looked at the river and shrugged "No not really I hate my family all they care about is themselves not the kingdom or what is good of the people." he explained. Your eyes went wide and you looked at the ground. "I am so sorry you must feel so alone" you said sadness in your eyes as you touched his arm. He put his hand on yours "its ok I've come to terms with it im used to it. Besides now I have you by my side" he looked at you and smiled softly as if you were the only thing that he had in this world.

"Let's not go back" you proposed standing up shoto still layed there "yeah lets do it" he said "Shoto just imagine all other adventures we will have just us and our horses! Not confined by walls!" you smiled walking around putting emphasis into every word that you spoke. He smiled up at you letting you rant out your fantasies of what you wanted. You were practically reading his mind at this point.

Pretty soon both of you were back on the road going further and further away from the kingdom that you once called home. Away from your parents, from your work, from your life basically living in the lap of luxury. All of that was gone now all you had was a horse and shoto and that was all you needed.

It was midday when you saw something fly above you and land in front of you it was a red dragon and a man climbing off of its back. You were in awe and something about him was familiar. The ash blond hair, how he didnt wear a shirt but he wore a cape, and the dragon. They seemed so familiar. Then it dawned on you and you gasped as soon as he turned to you both his red eyes locking onto you both. The red eyes stared into your soul and that was when you knew, that was when you knew it was him. The man in your dreams the one who told you that your life was a lie that you needed to run. The one you soared into the sky with. The one you were in love with. He was here standing in front of you and shoto. Alive and not in your dreams.

You could only stare as he stood before the two of you. Did your dreams create him? Was he really real? Are you dreaming? All of these questions and more ran through your head. Unable to tell what was real and what was not. "What is the meaning of this?" shoto asked a bland expression on his face.

The teenager in front of you looked like both of your age maybe even just one year older. He stood there glaring at you both with his red eyes seemingly peering into both of your souls to find all of your secrets. "YOU BOTH ARE TRESPASSING ON MY LAND! LEAVE BEFORE MY DRAGON BURNS YOU TO A CRISP!" he yelled at both of you the dragon behind him hovering over him like he was protecting him. The dragon also held the same stare but he was focused on you.

Shoto looked at him and held a glare at the teen in front of you. "We are just passing through, we will be out of your hair in just a moment." he told him calmly. You just sat there still unable to speak this whole scene just shocked you. First, you decided to run away from home with your employer, second, you met the boy in your dreams and he was just as handsome as you remembered.

Once your prince told the unnamed stranger this the stranger emitted a low growl and balled his hands into fists his eyes narrowed already showing hate at the person that was riding next to you. "I GUESS YOU WANT TO GET BURNED TO A CRISP THEN!" he yelled then the scowl that he was wearing turned into a smirk "I'll enjoy this! FLICKER burn him worse then that stupid scar on his face." he said.

The dragon finally stepped in front of him and got on his hind legs finally taking his eyes off of you and his stomach started to glow.Shoto pulled out his sword and readied his horse to attack the beautiful beast and his owner You knew that if you didn't intervene then this would get messy and you would not be alive and tell the tale. You jumped off of your horse, "WAIT!" you called putting your hands up in surrender. "WAIT!" you called and the dragon looked at you the redness in his stomach not dying down but he just looked at you.

"What are you doing?" shoto asked you quietly looking at you as if you were stupid. You ignored him and continued to look at the stranger in front of you. The boy turned his head away from shoto and to you. "WHAT KIND IF STUPID PERSON ARE YOU?" he yelled at you but not as loud. "We don't want to fight we just want to pass through if we have to then we will find another way." you said calmly.

The dragon looked at bakugou seeming to like you and he walked up to you the fire in his stomach no longer there. It appears that he had seen you before because when he walked up to you he had a look in his eyes that said "I missed you." you smiled at the dragon that now blocked your vision from the person in front of you. You put your hand on his snout you felt the dragons scales they were smooth against the palm of your hand.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" the boy that was blocked by the dragon yelled at you his voice not as loud and angry as before his voice really was calling you to be safe and not to make any stupid decisions. You also ignored him and it felt as if it was just you and the dragon. You didn't hear shoto calling after you once you climbed onto the dragon. Before you knew it, you were in the skies living your dream.

The air was warm but not hot and the air felt silky like you were touching soft fabric. The wind of your face just relaxed you like you were meant to be up there. That this was your calling not being in a palace making clothes for the prince that you had fallen in love with. No this was who you were carefree happy the way that you wanted it. Not with you whole life set out in front of you in a deal forced to work so that you and your family could have a future. No that wasn't for you. You wanted to ride dragons be in the skies like you are now. This was what you had been dreaming about your whole life. This was what was calling you like it was pulling you. There was only one word that you could describe this experience in person and that word was home.

He flew you around for about an hour that only felt like five minutes and you were having the time of your life but sadly it all had to end. Soon both of you were back on the ground the two males waiting for you when you got back one utterly annoyed the other angry. As soon as you were off of the dragon and your feet hit the ground both of the boys walked up to you. Well one stomped to you the other calm walked to you like a normal person. "WHY WERE YOU ON MY DRAGON!" the blonde one yelled at you. His red eyes burning into your soul. You had heard his voice before in your dreams, but now he was up close and you could tell every single feature about him. From how his hair spiked up. To how his jaw was clenched when he was angry.

AN// oki guys third chapter I hope that I have caught your attention enough to wear you want to continue to read this story.  please let me know if you think that I should keep going or stop. that s all for now love you guys!!!!

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