Together Again (A Four Swords FanFiction)

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       Link watched as the dark clouds covered Hyrule. As he did he thought back to when he last had seen them. He missed that regardless of the evil that had spread across their beautiful land.

~~~~~~~~~Flashback time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        "Four Sword, Lend me your strength..." He had said. Then he had been split into four. "W-What the..."
        "So the legend..." Blue said.
        "He who draws the Four Sword will be split into four" Red voiced the myth.
        "It's True" Vio explained.

        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        In fact he had been split into four. Four different sides of himself that he had never seen before. Blue was hot-headed and aggressive. Red was innocent and optimistic. Vio was calm and collected. Green or himself was motivated and focused. Together they went on a quest to save all of Hyrule from destruction. To do this they had to defeat the evil wind sorcerer Vaati/Gufu (He can be called either one. "Gufu" I think translates to or means wind sorcerer. I call him Vaati.) and the evil behind him, Gannondorf. It was time to do it again ,judging by the clouds. They were pitch black and closing in rapidly could only mean one thing. Vaati was back...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Princess Zelda!!" Link shouted as he spotted her at the large doors of the palace. The guards rushed to stop him ,but Zelda raised her hand and they stopped in their tracks. They seemed doubtful but let him approach. He stood panting a moment before speaking "Princess" He asked "may we speak under less prying eyes" Her response was quick and to the point. Her tone of voice made her sound much older than she really was. "Indeed."
They stripped Link of every last weapon he carried. Many of which the guards had never seen. This is what you get when you have saved the world. They finally let them talk in privacy ,but Link kept getting the feeling that they were being watched. "Zelda I fear..." He started. "Vaati has returned ,Link!" Zelda interrupted him "I can't be captured again. I-I just can't. It was terrifying." She broke down in front of him and all he could do was reassure her that it would turn out differently this time round. "Zelda, it will be different this time. I will stop him before he gets the chance to take you..." She interrupted again. "No, Link take me with you. Teach me how to do the things you do. Bow and arrow, sword ,slingshot ,bombs ,clawshot ,boomerang ,all of it." He was completely shocked at this proposal. It was insane. A princess on a quest to save Hyrule. She did need protection ,and he could do that better if she was with him. But it was dangerous. "Zelda I can't do that ,and you know that." He responded completely calm. She responded like she knew he would disagree. "And why not?!" She asked heatedly. "Zelda, you seen the demons firsthand ,and you want to go into battle against them!" She nodded vigorously. Her eyes were ringed with the tears she hadn't shed. He couldn't say no. He sighed. "When do you want to sneak out?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Another Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        Link looked at the castle walls ,and called his mental map of the castle. Beyond the walls was the courtyard. Zelda's room was on the highest floor of the castle well out of reach of his clawshot, so that was out of the equation. There was also the problem of getting Zelda down from the top floor on the outside. Well he couldn't wait here all night. Link climbed up the wall with some difficultly due to the smoothness of the stone. Once he was crouching on top of the wall thanks to the aid of his clawshot ,he watched the paths the guards took. Impossible for most to sneak though ,but most weren't Link. He soon spotted the weakness ,and easily snuck past the guards. He would have Zelda fix that later. Now for climbing the castle... This was harder ,and there were no places to clawshot. He did the only thing he could think of. Link launched him self at the nearest window ,grabbing the windowsill with the tips of his fingers. He painfully pulled himself up onto the ledge. It was going to be a long way up ,and an even longer way down...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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