A New Beginning

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You were just like any other human. Lived your life day by day and tried not to kill yourself. Ok ok, in all seriousness, you lived out your years like everyone else, you had your ups and downs, but hell, everyone did. Everyone said that you had a, "down to earth" personality, and you could see that. You wasn't very outgoing, but you wasn't a hermit. You were a young girl/boy when life told you were nothing, that you were a mistake. When you were young, the only people in your life that made you more sane, was your mother and your best friend. Your father left you when you were 4, so it has only been you and your mom.  Your mother would date men once in a while, but it never would last long. She told you that two people can drift apart fast, but you knew better. You have been surrounded by enough men to know what their intentions were, and what their mind was on. The men that your mother attracted wasn't exactly great men, they usually were drunks or they did drugs. The last one was bad, he drank everyday, he would get violent when he ran out of beer or if your mother cut him off. You grew up around many things, such as... lewd... things, drugs, alcohol, etc. You knew it was bad. As your teenage years came around, you were that one kid who hasn't even HELD some type of drug or alcohol beverage. You tried to be good, but, of course, life throws shit at you when you least expected it. You are probably wanting the story to hurry up, so ill spare you the other details. You just graduated high school and was in your first year in collage. You were happy, and so was your mom. She was so proud of you. 

To bad it couldn't last long. 


You were in a relationship for about two years, and you could say it was great, but that would be an understatement. Of course it was good for the first year, lovey-dovey and all, but then, like the entire childhood of yours, had attracted the bad omen. The man soon got more into drugs. He did do drugs before, but it was very spaced out. Just for relaxing, he said. He did it in a different room than you, he knew you hated it. Now though, he done it everyday. Excessively. One day he was doped up on some random shit he bought, when you came home, he was pissed over something small. You barely had time to react when he pinned you to the wall. You at first was going to do something sweet, like he usually would've don't in the past.

How wrong you were.

To spare the details, he raped you, grabbed his already packed bags, and left. You didn't know what to do. You woke up in the floor, confused on what had happened. As if on cue, the memories flooded back. You started panicking and you did the only thing you could do,


You cried for hours, not noticing the many calls and text messages from your best friend. You were broken, lost in a world that you didn't know anymore. You didn't even notice that you stood up and walked into the bathroom. When you came back to your senses, you saw the glinting piece of metal in your hand. A razor. You knew what you were doing. You didn't want it, but you could stop. You wanted to pain of the past year to fade. You wanted the darkness. You laid the blade against your arm, then stopped. You put the blade down, and went to your living room and grabbed paper, a pencil, and your phone. You didn't plan on recording, no, what you were about to do would forever scar your loved ones, you didn't want to make it worse than you were. You wrote a letter to your mother, saying;

"Dear mother,

I know by the time you get this letter, (best friends name) would have told you what has happened and what I told her. You must be sad, angry, disappointed. I understand. I just couldn't do it anymore. Since I am gone, I might as well tell you. I was in a very toxic relationship as of recent. You know him. The first year was great, as I am sure you know since I bragged and bragged. This year however, was completely different. He did more and more drugs and became violent. Before I told (best friend) what had happened, he did something to me. He raped me mom. I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want to hurt you, but I guess I did anyway. When I woke up, I was confused, then it came back to me. I was broken, I didn't know what to do. I know I should've said something, come over, something. I couldn't. I couldn't walk to you or (best friend), while I still had the events rolling in my head. I couldn't do it, so before I sliced my wrist, I wrote this to you. You were the light of my life. You were the mother that protected me and father I never knew. You have no idea how much I love you, even when I am dead, sitting wherever I am. I am so sorry I did this to you and (best friend), I know it was something I shouldn't have done, but, too late now. I want you to look outside. Either it be night or day, know that I am there, keeping an eye on you. You are so beautiful and such a joy to be around. I know you will make it through this. I am sorry that I didn't tell you about the things he did before sooner. I want you to look at the flower bed we planted last summer and remember the fun times we had. Remember the time we stayed up late on a school night in my 5th grade year and made cookies, made funny faces, and played many games until we couldnt keep our eyes opened. I was and still am blessed to have a such a wonderful woman as a mother. You are such an angel, and I am sure your (or if you believe in the lord, Our) Lord has a place for you in his kingdom. If heaven is real, say hi to (passed loved one) for me. I love you so much. I will miss you.

Yours truly,


You then folded the paper and texted your friend. You told them basically the same thing. Sooner than you expected, they responded and said not to do anything and they were on their way. You smiled softly as you cried. You silently cursed as you slide the blade on you wrists, right on the artery. You sat down on the floor as you clutched the letter for your mother and your phone in one hand close to your heart as you watched the other arm, laid on your thigh as you watched the blood pour. You smiled softly as your world started to get blurry and start to fade to black. You started to cry softly when you heard your friends car speed up your drive way. You closed your eyes as you heard your friend pound on the front door. As you were slipping into the eternal darkness that held it's arms open to you, you heard them bust down the door and come running in, franticly calling your name. 

By the time your friend found you, you were gone. You slipped away, forever in darkness, away from the pain you felt and the heartbreak of the people you hurt. Your friend called 911, they came, took you to the hospital, and as they all knew, you couldn't be saved. They held a funeral for you the next week. Your mother was devastated, but tried to help the others feel better. Your friend was really quiet, only talked when they were spoken to. Even when they did speak, it was shortand quiet. Everyone was sad, but you on the other hand was free. Free from the pain. You were free from the sorrow filled houses. Free from the sorrow of the people you loved. 

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