Death of a Sister Part Two

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You passed out, clutching the book close and watching as the shadows returned to their place.

Your eyes were about to close when you saw Alastor, or his blob, running to you. You blacked out.


You woke up with the red-tinted sun shinning into the room. You opened your eyes, but then raised your hand to shield them from the intense red that shun through. You rolled over, and sat at the edge of the bedside. You noticed that there was red in the corner of the room, so you looked. It was Alastor sitting in a chair, asleep. You smiled at the scene. He looked so carefree, so... calm and happy. You stood up and quietly walked over to him, blanket in hand. You opened the blanket and lightly covered him up. You walked over to your dresser and picked out a lounge outfit. (You decide :)) You walked to the bathroom, did what you had to do, changed, and then walked back to Alastor. You took in his features. He had a light, slightly closed, smile, his hair pulled back in a hairbow, and with his coat on the floor, along with his shoes and gloves. You heard him mumble, but didn't hear what he said. You smiled and walked out of the room. As you were walking down the stairs, you had a thought. You decided that you would make breakfast for Alastor and you. You smiled and skipped down the rest of the stairs and to the kitchen. 

Alastor's POV:

I woke up to the smell of something very delectable. I sat up and noticed that I had a blanket around me. I smiled as I got up and folded the blanket, knowing that (Y/n) must've put it on me before she went downstairs. I folded my clothes that were threw on the floor from last night and put them in the chair. I walked to my room and got into some lounge clothes. Yes, I do have lounge clothes, but thank you for assuming I always were my suit. (sorry, I felt like that would be cool to do! like a little fourth wall break!) Once I was done getting into something less restricting, I walked toward the stairs. (Just gonna tell ya guys that he is wearing a dark red tank-top and brownish-red tight-ish sweatpants!) I walked down the stairs and made it the main room. I walked a little ways to the kitchen's door. As I was walking toward it, I slowly heard humming. I got to the door and saw that (Y/n) was cooking, which I already assumed, and humming. I smiled and leaned against the door frame, crossing my arms. After I minute of this, I decided that I would surprise them, so I stood straight and walked swiftly but quietly toward them. When I was right behind them, I wrapped my arms around their waist. I felt them jump and watched as they quickly put down the cups they were currently holding. I smiled and leaned in to their ear, feeling their face grow hotter as I said, "Good morning dearest!~" I removed my arms and watched as they turned around. As soon as I saw their smile, I saw nothing but blur. I felt something wrap around me and felt both me and what I assume to be (Y/n) fall to the floor. I fell hard on my back, but quickly regained my composure. I propped myself onto my shoulders and smiled at the sight I saw. The light of my life, or after-life, the one exception, (Y/N) snuggled against me. They looked at me with such passion and adoration, I was taken aback. I soon smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of their face. They leaned into my hand and smiled brightly, if that was even possible from the already bright smile on their face. As I looked into their eyes, I felt that feeling again, the feeling that has been consuming me since I saw them. They... They looked so much like... them... like their_____....

cliffhanger!!!! >:) 

sorry for the late late late update!! I was busy and didn't have time to upload! I have had school, and many other things going on. I hope you understand! I will say that my schedual will be continuing to be on a weird wave length. I hope you understand and stick with me! And while we are here, me and one of my friends are creating a book! Freak to Hero! The first chapter will be out as soon as we can get it out, and you can find on my profile, so if you want, you can check it out! One more thing! I will NOT be able to upload the 29th! My mother is having heart surgery, and I will be going with her. Don't feel obligated to spam the comments with love, you don't have to! :) I will update on how that goes as well as how the chapters go. Have a great day/night!                                 ~Rexann                                    

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