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As I looked into their eyes, I felt that feeling again, the feeling that has been consuming me since I saw them. They... They looked so much like... them... like their_____....


Alastor's POV:

They... Look so much like their mother... I was soon brought from my little world when I felt (Y/n) move. I watched as they stood up and reached out their hands. I grabbed them both and stood up myself. We stood there for a bit, just holding hands and staring at each other. I felt them let go of my hands and, sadly, I had to let go. We laughed a bit, and I watched as they went back to what they were doing. I followed suit, and set the table for us. I poured us some Earl Grey tea (or any tea you want, I just chose this kind because it's my favorite!). I watched in my peripheral vison as (Y/n) came into view as they brought in two plates. I smiled as I pulled out a chair for them, in which they returned the smile and sat down. I then proceeded to my seat, right across from them. We ate in a comfortable silence, or so I thought. Little did I know, the demon right across from me was in their own world, experiencing something I could never understand. 

Your POV:

As me and Alastor were eating, I got lost in thought. At first, it was about us, our future. Cliché, yes, but it happened. Then it went to when I was alive. Then, my worse nightmare, it went to that fatal night, the night where I felt the most alone. I didn't want Alastor to worry, so I didn't say a word. I watched as the world around me slowly faded into darkness, then to the scene of the night in which I died. I watched as the man that did this to me, the man that ruined and blessed my life (I'm sure you understand what i mean!) come walking toward me. I felt myself get up, and fall over. I believe it was the chair I was sitting in, but I didn't know, since I couldn't see. I then scooted back until i could only feel what i assumed to be a wall. I felt as a hand came in contact with my skin. I flinched as i saw the man from my life before alter, flashed Alastor, and flashed back to the sick man from my time of life. I hesitated, but reached out and cupped his face. I saw as the man turned into my Alastor. I smiled as I felt tears forming. I was quick to wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze. I cried as hard as i could. I felt him freeze, but quickly wrap around my back, squeezing back slightly. I felt one of his hands go to my hair and lightly pet my (Hair colors or color) locks. I cried for a while I guessed, since I woke up in my bed. I noticed something in my peripheral vision. I sat up and looked over, and my eyes were greeted by the red deer demon sleeping in my bed. I smiled and reached my hand over to him, slowly but softly, started to pet his fluffy hair. 

Alastor's POV:

I felt as (Y/n) sat up and started to pet my hair. I tried to hold back my itching smile, but I failed. I felt myself smile, but I forced it to be small. I then moved closer to them, wanting to be close to the love of my after life. 

We stayed like this for a bit, they even put my head on their lap. When they got up, to which I was very disappointed about, I cracked my eyes open just a little to watch them leave. When they were fully out of the room, I sat up slowly, ran my thin fingers through my hair, and allowed my impatient smile to surface. I then decided to get up and go down stairs, so I could be with (Y/n). 

I am so sorry that I haven't uploaded!!! I have been going through a lot and needed time to get my shit together! I promise I will upload more! Have a good day/night! :3

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