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Chapter Three

    As soon as we got back to the hotel, I beelined for the desk where my pen was saving a spot on the pages of my textbook. However, my lovely boyfriend decided to take the pen from my grip and close the book, hence losing my spot for all of eternity. Well maybe not all, but still. I whipped my head around to see a smirk painted on his face. I get that he's never been to college and definitely doesn't understand what I'm going through with medical school. Due to this, my brain isn't capable of being mad at him.

    "Cole," I said sternly, using his real name.

    He puckered his lips disdainfully and lowered his arm from where he was holding the pen, "Yes?"

    "I need to study. I only have the rest of today and tomorrow and that's it."

    Then, I'm reminded as to why I love Colby so much. He realized how much it meant for me to cram and we spent the next two hours studying together. He didn't understand anything he was saying when he was quizzing me with flashcards and formulas, but he sat there with me and helped anyway. Studying with someone else has always helped me more but Alicia is too busy studying laws and whatever else lawyers do. I haven't made any other genuine friends either.

    The sun began to set when I finally got frustrated with cramming. I knew I needed a break and for the most part everything has stuck with me. There's a few formulas I mix up, but other than that I'm golden for the final Monday. Colby and I were relaxing on the bed. He was scrolling through one of his feeds and I was slowly drifting off into sleep. I decided in my mind that I'd take a nap and continue studying when I woke up. Whether that be two hours from now or three in the morning. Sam put a stake in my plans, though.

    "C'mon lazies!" He shouted, pulling on each of our arms. I groaned at him. He disrupted our cuddling position. I tried to lean back into Colby's embrace when Sam shoved him off the bed. I rolled my eyes and brought myself into a sitting position.

    "Really?" I deadpanned.

    "Bros got some bandos to explore!" He exclaimed happily.

    "You really gotta stop saying that every time you go explore something," I chuckled.

    He rolled his eyes right back at me.

    "Well it's a good idea. You guys go explore something and not die; I'll be here taking a fat nap."

    "Oh no no no," Sam replied, sounding like a meme from years ago, "You're coming with."

    I shook my head vigorously, "As much as I would love to," I started, "If I get caught trespassing, I can say goodbye to my veterinary license that doesn't even exist yet."

    "Nice try. Do you know who we are? We're Sam and Colby. We got permission to explore Centralia, and don't forget Pripyat."

    "Yeah yeah. You always brag about going to Chernobyl," I pouted. I always dreamt of going to the Ukraine, I told the boys this many times. Then they go without me and get special permission from higher ups there to let them independently explore the Chernobyl site? Rude and disrespectful. Fame really got to their heads on that one.

    "Come on, you'll love this one," Colby said, smirking.

    "I don't wanna get dressed," I whined.

    "You look fine!" Colby argued.

    "And if I get cold?" I retorted.

    "Then you can wear my hoodie. It'll be plenty long to cover your skirt."

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