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Chapter Six

    "Your girl got A's on all her finals!" I shouted, dancing around the front lawn before graduation. Alicia danced around sillily with me, cheering about passing all her finals as well. Soon enough, Colby and Sam joined in. We looked like a group of idiots. I mean, Alicia and I are graduating from an ivy league and we're dancing in the lawn with two youtubers. We're so professional.

    "Congratulations girls. I'm so proud of you," a professor came over to us and shook our hands. We smiled back and made small talk with her until we had to go sit down for the ceremony. I kissed Colby and hugged Sam, then left them to go sit in our assigned sections. This was it.

    I sat through speeches upon speeches boringly until awards were announced. When our names were called, they would read out what we're recognized for as students and then we'd walk up to get our diplomas.    

    "Leslie Hubb, recognized for her outstanding performance in everything she does. She made a mark in the community and I'm honored to have had her as a student," one of my professors spoke as I made my way to the stage. After I shook his hand and accepted my diploma, I posed on the front of the stage and Colby took a picture of me. He was crying and I tried my hardest not to.

    "That's my baby!" He shouted proudly. I blushed madly as I took my seat on the stage.

    The ceremony went on for what seemed like forever. That's the downside of having a last name close to the beginning of the alphabet. Finally, though, the time came and my entire class stood to bow.

    "Congratulations to the class of 2024! I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors."

    We moved our tassels and with cheers heard, extended our caps into the air. I could distinctively hear Colby's shouts of "yes baby!" and even "that's my future wife!". That comment made me tear up. I'm so in love with him.

    The crowd dispersed across the large field so that everyone was spread out enough to get pictures. I met up with Colby and Sam and started crying when I saw who was with them: the whole gang. Kevin, Reggie, Cassie, Devyn, Mike, Xepher, Tara, Jake, Aaron, Corey, Tori, Ginger, Elton, Griffin, and Aryia.

    "Oh my god!" I cried, running and over dramatically jumping into Devyn's arms. Soon after, I greeted the rest of the girls, then hugged the guys. After greeting everyone, I stood by Colby's side with his arm around my shoulder. He kissed the side of my head and took my diploma from my hands. He opened it up and traced his fingers against the emblem. I looked at him and smiled.

    "I'm so proud of you," he grinned, kissing the side of my head again.

    "Pizza night tomorrow night to celebrate?" Sam asked.

    "Woot woot!" Kat cheered.

    We hovered around in the yard taking photos. I got individuals with everyone, then we did a massive group photo, and finally Colby and I got a bunch of cute photos. When we were all done, I met back up with Alicia and took a few photos with her, then some with our favorite professors. When everything was settled, the boys helped me pack what little things I had in my dorm into the back of the rental. I took off my robe and cap and folded it into the trunk.

    Kat and Sam were sat in the front with him driving. Colby and I were sprawled out in the backseat. Kat was playing some oldies over the speaker with Sam mumbling along. Colby was laying down, his head on his sweatshirt and he was spooning me and allowing me to use his arm as a pillow.

    "Can you do me a favor?" I whispered as I watched him view Instagram stories from graduation.

    "Of course," he replied.

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