Double or Nothing

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Jungkook was bewildered. Never had he ever had someone capture his attention like that before. As soon as he saw jimin run out the building Jungkook couldn't help but feel guilty for his actions. He really didn't mean for it to that far. He just couldn't help it, it was like Jimin was some sort of drug that he needed more of after a quick taste. Having been finally able to touch is lips was like opening Pandora's box, but he didn't want it to be this way for some reason. He normally didn't really go for someone who was so hard to get, but for some reason there was just the fact that no one could have him at all. Making him like a true winners trophy. He needed that boy and oh man was he gonna get him.

After Jimin collected back all his thoughts and left them in his box he put it back in its hiding spot. He took a deep shaky breath one last time before getting up again and starting to walk back to the restaurant. While he walked back he stopped turning around suddenly noticing that someone might be following him. He looked in a panic. Did someone follow me?! Wait but Taehyung wasn't even there this morning... My appas never ask until I get home. Oh no... That only leaves...

And there he was as soon as Jimin thought of him. The one and only Jeon Jungkook. Jimin started to panic. How much had he seen? Was he close enough to look inside my box? His thoughts were cut off as Jungkook hugged his hyung. He wanted to push him away but he couldn't seem to get his strong arms to budge. He felt tears welt at the corners of his eyes.

"Please let me go."

He couldn't help it as his tears fell now at full display. Jungkook didn't care, he could feel the tears wetting his shirt. He hid Jimin and he put his head deeper into his chest. For some reason it put the smaller at ease being able to take in the ravens scent. After seeming to exhale all his worries away Jungkook finally let him go slightly to wipe the shorters tears away. God's he even looks beautiful when he cries. Who are you Park Jimin? When seeing that the older had finally calmed down a bit he guided them to a near by shop never letting go of Jimins waist.

"Are you okay hyung?"

Jimin sat at the table to sure if he wanted to answer or what to answer at all.

"I'm sorry for following you... Your dance was breathtaking! You didn't even have music playing but it was incredible nonetheless less. You should definitely look into public dances!"

Jimin flinched at the last part. He loved dancing but he was absolutely terrified of doing it in public after his past experiences. Jimin finally spoke...

"I did use to do public dancing... But I'm too scared to show anyone anymore. After what my mother- My mother dated a horrible man."

He felt his tears starting to come back again. He didn't know why he was telling him this, but it felt good to let out a part of him he's been holding onto for so long.

"He used to force me to do things for him. I can still remember his disgusting hands on my body and his-"

Jungkook reached for his hand, he could tell Jimin was getting chocked up and he didnt want to force him to say anything he didn't want. Jimin looked up at him seeing his doe eyes staring back at him. He knew he didn't owe this man any explanations but he didn't mind. For some reason he was actually quite glad he said something. He brought his other hand to hold the dongsaeng back. He couldn't fight the smile that crept on his face. He blushed with the small affection Jungkook had given him today.

"I can't believe I've cried to you almost twice today. What kind of a hyung am I?"

He giggled, it was a stab to the heart for Jungkook. This was the first time he heard Jimin laugh and just like his lips he wanted- no he NEEDED more.

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