Chapter 1

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Jack floated above as he watched Anna sleep peacefully. Sandy was giving Elsa a sweet dream of snow fights, and Jack knew that Sandy wouldn't mind if he had a little fun…so he waved his hands, and Anna woke up, an urge to find her elder sister to play.

"Psst! Elsa! Wake up!" Anna nudged her older sister, who merely groaned, "What do you want, Anna? Go back to sleep!" "The skies are awake, so I'm awake." Anna whined, but Elsa paid her no attention, rolling over and causing Anna to fall. Sulking, Anna thought of things that appealed to Elsa, and she smiled.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna whispered by Elsa's ear, and that did the trick as her sister finally opened an eye. Soon, Anna was dragging her sister down into the grand hall, and Jack chuckled as he floated through a window to watch them from above.

Elsa was his favourite kid, other than Jamie. He always felt some sort of pull towards her, and he grew fond of her too. Just as he smiled to himself, Elsa threw her hands up, letting her powers start a tiny snow cloud above, and Winter Spirit Jack Frost found himself in Winter Wonderland once more.

Watching them play, Jack began to worry as Anna ran faster than his little Elsa could catch up, and he flew down anxiously, pulling away the little piece of fun he had given to Anna, but it was too late. The little ginger head had already leapt for the next platform, and Elsa, in her panic to catch her sister, slipped and fell, and shot her powers straight at Anna's head.

"Sandy!" Jack called, and the Sandman quickly floated over, a question mark on his head. "Help Anna! Elsa accidentally injured her!" Jack pleaded, but Sandy shook his head, showing that it was beyond his powers. Flying down to Anna, Jack began to try and pull the frost from her, but some damage had been done already, beyond his abilities to repair.

Much to his worries, as Elsa called for her parents, she froze the entire room, and Jack tried to thaw the ice, but Elsa's worry only fueled it to grow each time he melted some, and Jack knew he couldn't do anything further that would go unnoticed. 

Luckily, Elsa's parents, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, arrived quickly, and brought them to some healers that were apparently trolls. The elder, Grandpabbie, removed Anna's memories, much to Jack's horror, and instead replaced it with ones that completely wiped away Elsa's powers. 

"It's all my fault." Jack blamed it all on himself. Had he not mischievously given Anna some of that urge to play, nothing would've happened. And now, all the fun was taken from Elsa. In exchange for that little bit he had given Anna. So Sandy had to make a handful of guards to watch Elsa nightly when he was gone, for the fear clouding her was enough to summon Pitch if not managed carefully.

One year passed, Elsa was ten, Anna was seven, and Elsa was more afraid than ever. Finally unable to just float above her and watch, Jack stood on her windowsill. He would make her believe in him. Just like he did with Jamie. As Elsa looked outside, her hands froze the windows, and she cried out in fear as she stumbled back. Quickly melting it, Jack wrote the words, "Hey! Don't go!"

Sure enough, Elsa read it, and all the more fearful she got. "Who wrote that?! Who's there?!" Elsa's eyes darted across the window, and Jack wrote, "It's me, Jack Frost. The winter spirit, rings a bell? Jack Frost nips at your noses?" "Are you...Jack Frost?" Elsa suddenly retreated even further as a person who she had never seen up till now appeared outside her window, and Jack nodded, before gesturing to the window.

"I can't open it…..." Elsa shook her head, and Jack nodded encouragingly, "Yes, you can. You just have to try." "But I've tried! I try everyday! But it never stays in! My powers are out of control!" Elsa cried, and Jack sighed. It was all his fault, really. Gently, he placed his staff on the window, and he nudged it open. "There. It was just so simple." Jack said as he stepped in, and Elsa cowered against the door.

"I'm here to help you. But will you let me? Let me help you?" Jack slowly inched closer, his G staff held behind his back, and Elsa gradually trusted him enough to reach out for his hand and let him pull her up. And so, now that she had done the first step of trusting him, Jack smiled, "There, now, you're not freezing me!"

"I'm…not?" Elsa marvelled, realising just exactly how useful having his help was, and a smile slowly grew on her face as she whispered again, "I really didn't freeze you!"

Day by day, Jack visited Elsa, helping her and guiding her through all her challenges. You could call him her imaginary friend, but again, he was real, if you believed. Days grew into weeks, weeks grew into months, months grew into years, Jack watched as his little Elsa grew into a beautiful young lady. But as she grew, her fear doubled, and Jack found it hard to help her have fun as she wore on thick rubber gloves almost all day long.

And then came the tragedy. When her parents had gone out to sea in search for reasons of her powers, they met with an accident, and their ship sank in the sea. Elsa, heartbroken beyond words, no longer let the fun in. All that was ringing in her ears were the words her father had told her. Conceal, don't feel, don't let it show, don't let them know. 

Jack couldn't help but feel sad as she sobbed, leaning against the door as the frost in her room grew thicker and blocked her windows from his view. Elsa was strong, perhaps even stronger than him, and Jack could not tear down the ice from the window, could not fly to her side to comfort her. And they were, for once, separated.

It didn't take long before Manny summoned Jack. There were now answers to what Jack had wanted to know. According to Manny, there were four elemental spirits. This Jack knew, for they were Air, Fire, Water and Earth. But when Manny revealed that there was a fifth spirit, one that would unite the four spirits and the magic of nature, Jack was shocked.

And as he had already guessed, his dear Elsa was the fifth spirit. And as much as Jack really wanted to fly to her room, to tell her everything, to get her out of her sorrows, Manny held him back. "You will cause imbalance, changing her fate. It is in her destiny to find out by herself. You cannot tell her anything." Manny warned, and Jack knew the seriousness of the situation. And so he could only watch from afar, away on the mountains, over his Elsa.


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